I recently went through with something I have been meaning to do for some time: I got my FFL 03 Curio & Relics License (BTW, Licensees are called “Crufflers”) For those of you who have been living on the moon or just out of the loop, a C/R License or FFL 03 enables you…
Preparing to Win: The CO Drill Concept
“The Will to Win compares little with the will to prepare to Win.” …
Bubonic Plague back on Radar
You know Bio-Warfare has always both intrigued and scared the Hell out of me..the though of putting something like this in an aerosol bomb or in a city water supply makes alot of folks at the CDC terminal insomniacs. The Imperial Japanese Army was the first to use plague, when in 1940 they dropped plague…
Practical AK Mods
Short list of the minimalist modifications needed to make the AK run like a champ. 1. TRIGGER..TRIGGER…TRIGGER I will never forget what a very dear friend and gunsmith guru said to me many moons ago: “If you want any gun to be 100% of it’s capability, install a better trigger and you…
Drillin with the Kalash
Been hitting the range lately and wanted to drop a few drills and pointers…some of these are mine, some are not…find what works for you and build your own list. 1. Learning to control the weapon is key. Forget in front of the magazine hold..adapt a full front hand guard grip that mimics a torqueing…
The Vehicle Kit
There is a plethora of info out there about BOB’s, BUG’s and other really cool sounding 3 letter prepper acronyms so I won’t waste your time re-hashing old intel. I do however want to bring your attention to a very important piece of kit in the CO inventory: the Vehicle Kit. Now whether you keep…
Saiga .308 Mod Job
Recently I acquired a Saiga .308 with a 21″ barrel from my good friend Wild Bill. The Saiga .308 has been on my list for some time, but I have been putting my other AK’s mod jobs at the top of the list, so I just never got around to it. Converting the Saiga from…
Homemade Survival Bars
These are not for the health nut or 1% body fat crowd…these are designed to be made in bulk and to keep you alive with alot of calories.You can store these in an airtight container or ziploc bags for reasonable amounts of time..due to the milk content, these are not 50 year NASA bars. Soda…
Do you Mothball your Medical Training?
Often Medical training is one of the most overlooked areas in the Civilian Operator’s toolbox…it is more than having a boo boo bag or that tacti-cool Trauma Pack, as in all things, it comes down to KNOWING. KNOWLEDGE combined with QUICK RESPONSE can save lives. Personalizing your kit and training to your specific household’s…
It’s the End of the World as I Know It….(and I feel Fine)
You know as of late, there has been ALOT of chatter on forums and in barber shops about all this unrest in the Middle East being the BEGINNING of the END. Now, this articles aim is not Religious or Political in nature, not because I am a man of unbelief or callous to US foreign…