Wild Bill sent me this link and I thought it a timely word………I have listed the link and also copied and pasted the article by Larry and Stacey Mudgett. The only thing I would like to add is to re-emphasize the advice given at the conclusion of this article..If you have not made a decision…
EDC Essentials for the CO
Since the texting craze took hold, it seems we have been bombarded with 3 letter acronyms..anything to help us avoid actually spelling out a word. Hell, even I am guilty of this, my favorite one being IMO or IMHO (In My Opinion/In my Honest Opinion for those of you who have not been on Earth…
Is the Belly Band Obsolete?
Ahhh the ole’ Belly Band, for some it ranks right up there with the Fanny Pack and the “shoot me first” 5.11 gun vest for out-dated, corny and just plain impractical CCW attire. But, maybe, just maybe, in our progressive, “fashionista” haste we have overlooked some perks the belly band gives us. I came upon…
Veterans Day Reminder
With Veterans Day on Sunday the 11th, I wanted to remind all my readers to not forget to Thank a Vet for their service, and say a prayer for those still in harms way. If you have the means, take the time to support any of the great Veterans centered organizations like The Wounded Warrior…
Casting Shadows
Rifle Combat Lights – Shadowing Comparison of Mount Locations by Mark E. I recently switched up a weapon light, for an AK-47 of mine. In the process, I observed some issues with shadowing. In particular, I did not like the shadows cast by the barrel/muzzle or the front sight assembly. These observations should apply to any rifle with…
Hold Fast
I think you have seen by now that this blog is not political in nature. I think you know by now my feelings on the state of this country and it’s current leadership. I will not waste your time whining and/or worrying, and you should do likewise. My advice to you comes from an old…
The Manual Safety Question
Ever since Gaston Glock invented his masterpiece pistol in Austria in 1982, modern pistol design was changed forever. Light, polymer frames coupled with high-capacity magazines and simple operating mechanics equaled the perfect combat pistol. There is a reason a huge number of all LE agencies have adopted it as their primary service pistol and civilian sales…
What Happens When You Depend on Other People….
An Essay on Self-Sufficiency Watching the news tonight, I got a bad case of deja vu’. Watching people of various ethnicities in a moonscape of urban disaster, ranting at public officials because their lights were not on, they have no gas for their cars, they need food, water, medicine, etc. In a nutshell, their life…
Using Reflections
Using Reflections in the Urban Environment A Lesson in Situational Awareness by Mark E. One skill that you can hone easily, and I often do, is the use of REFLECTIONS. They are plentiful in my world – buildings, store front and vehicles – probably in yours, too. I find myself in the urban and industrial…
5 Smart Ways to Respond to a Blackout
A Really Good Article from Michael Yon and his Online Magazine: http://www.michaelyon-online.com/5-smart-ways-to-respond-to-a-blackout.htm