Big +1!!!
Improvised Smart Phone Tools
A Camera for Tele-photo “Scouting” By Mark E. I found myself in central Texas on business earlier this year. I was killing some time before dinner, after checking into a hotel. I keep a set of binoculars in my vehicle and decided to bring them upstairs. I had a thought beforehand to see what the image quality would…
Why I Need Assault Weapons
The following video is one of the best and most informative diatribes I have come across to counter the lib-tards propaganda spewed out daily by the media….Enjoy, have a laugh or two, but most of all, Please, pass it on…the Fight is NOW!!! [youtube=]
A Marine’s Letter….
A friend recently sent me this letter that was mailed to Diane Feinstein’s office recently, and after reading it about 25 times, I decided it deserved to be put up for all to read…I know it has been circulated virally on facebook and twitter, but I think it deserves a moment of your time anyways….I…
The Fight is NOW!!
Take a moment and forget this Progressive Red Herring tactic of “Fiscal Cliff” propaganda…..just another carrot the current administration likes to wave to make you forget the real issue at hand….DISARMING AMERICA. I will not waste your time promoting the benefits of gun ownership, if you are reading this blog, I will assume you already…
Basic Blade Carry
(Authors Note and Disclaimer: Before carrying any weapon, you need to check your local, state and federal laws. In TX, it is legal to carry a knife, folder or fixed blade with a blade of 5 1/2″. The knife referenced in this article, the CRKT Dragon has a blade length of 4 1/2″, well below the…
The Changing of the Guard
A Christmas Short Story It occurred to Steve that cold December Night, one week before Christmas, while staring at the blazing fire in the fireplace, why this years Christmas preparation did not have the fervor and excitement other Christmas’ had. He could not put his finger on a particular thing…he just felt it, deep down….
Christmas Greetings!
Hey guys, just wanted to take a moment and say Thanks for reading my blog and from everybody at HCS and my family, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Let us put the events of this year behind us and set our minds to a prosperous and SAFE 2013….. Stay Dangerous and Above…
The Spinning of Sandy Hook
What happened in Sandy Hook CT last week was an outright massacre…no doubt about it. More to the point, it was an act of terror IMO, an act of cowardice by a lunatic that struck fear into every parent with school age children across this country. It did not take long however, for the lib-tard…
The 2013 Dinzag Saiga Project
Hey guys, just a FYI…my 2013 New Years DIY Gun Project is going to be a double header…Brian at Dinzag has agreed to provide me the parts and instruction to outfit/pimp my Saiga .308 and my 19″ Saiga 12 Gauge…ALOT more to come including before and after pix during each phase of the project. Believe…