If the account given below is accurate, it will not matter HOW MUCH money the US Govt spends on Cyber Defense. We have bonafide IDIOTS giving away information on “how-to” access secure Govt. data. You cannot FIX STUPID folks. And oh yeah, Iran is now a viable threat. -SF A hacker, who wishes to…
Dose of Truth: ISIS Fighters Entering Germany as Refugees
Not a new revelation for those of us that have seen through this “refugee” bullshit. Understand these three words: JIHAD BY MIGRATION. That is ISIS’ strategy and that is their current plan to sack and conquer Europe. Too bad most all of Europe have decided to ignore this fact. Too bad A lot MORE innocent people…
Crusader Corner: “Humanitarian Aid” a Cover for Terrorism (And everybody said: No Sh#$ Sherlock!)
By the Time Europeans (and Americans) accept the OBVIOUS fact that they are all getting played by these jihadis when it comes to “refugees” and “humanitarian aid” another terrible Paris style attack or worse yet another 9/11 type-attack involving commercial airliners will have taken place. Let’s all get our collective head out of our ass,…
Espionage Files: The CIA’s Phoenix Program in Vietnam and the “War on Terror”
The Phoenix Program in Vietnam in many ways provides a blue print for our own times. Assassinations and torture are the essence of the war on terror. As are death squads and false flag terror attacks. As are mass surveillance of the populace. Thanks to the work of Douglas Valentine in his classic book “The Phoenix…
American Nanny Murdered by Muslim Migrant Rapist in Austria
Time to Wake Up. These muslim POS are targeting Americans and Europeans. Join the American Infidel Movement Today..
Flint Water Warriors vs. Bundy Militia
This article touches on a subject that is of extreme importance to all Patriots; having and maintaining LEGITIMACY for your cause. It is a cornerstone of Guerilla Warfare that the Guerilla’s CAUSE be seen as LEGITMATE by Joe Q Public. As soon as that LEGITIMACY is lost, PUBLIC SUPPORT OF THE GUERILLA AND THEIR CAUSE…
World War II History: The Antonescu Paradox
Hitler’s Romanian ally led an utterly barbaric regime — that while often protecting Jews inside Romania’s borders, murdered them indiscriminately just outside those borders. The Jewish cemetery of Jassy, in northeastern Romania, occupies one of the highest spots in the city. It is quite literally vast, crowded with graves for hundreds of yards in different…
Modern Crime: The Lives and Lies of a Professional Impostor
He strolled into the police station in Chelsea on Jan. 4 wearing a Harvard sweatshirt, a “Wounded Warrior” cap and military dog tags dangling from his neck. He said he was Jeremiah Asimov-Beckingham, a veteran of Afghanistan, wounded in combat, now working as an executive for an airline. He had come to the station to…
The Espionage Economy
U.S. firms are making billions selling spyware to dictators. By James Bamford Ricardo Martinelli resides in a condo at the Atlantis, a luxury high-rise on Florida’s Biscayne Bay made famous by the TV series Miami Vice. A hefty, white-haired billionaire, Martinelli, 63, was viewed just a few years ago as one of Latin America’s most…
War Movies: 10 things You Never Knew about Apocalypse Now
10 obscure facts about “Apocalypse Now.” I’ll never forget the first time I saw “Apocalypse Now.” Captivated, I stared at the screen for the 196-minute runtime as Willard journeyed upriver in the midst of the Vietnam War to assassinate the general-turned-rogue-demigod Colonel Kurtz. Afterward, I felt disgusted, exhausted, relieved, and forever altered in my way…