Everyone has bad habits. I don’t believe there is a human being alive who doesn’t. In everyday life, most of these aren’t a big deal. So you forget to put your shoes away, no one is going to die from that. You’re not a bad person if you have a weakness for chocolate. Survival…
County-Comm Prepper Bundle Review #1
Well readers it is a New Year and that means it is time to Review some NEW GEAR! Mike at County-Comm was good enough to send me a Bundle of “Prepper” items to Review for you: UCO Clarus LED Lantern Gerber GDC Zip Blade Type III Anodized Peanut Lighter XL 1 Liter Flat Pack Canteen…
Gear Review: Kinetic Concealment’s KC Mini-Green Dot Laser
Over the past few months I have made quite a few new friends in the firearms and firearms accessories business. One of them is Josh Sykes from Kinetic Concealment. Now primarily Kinetic Concealment makes holsters, and we will definitely be reviewing some of those later this year. But they also offers some really nice accessories…
War Movies: 10 Things You Never Knew about Full Metal Jacket
Despite its widespread popularity, there is a ton of behind-the-scenes drama and literary awesomeness in Full Metal Jacket that gets missed. When it comes to pop-culture allure and romanticized brutality, Stanley Kubrick’s “Full Metal Jacket” is arguably the most influential of all Vietnam War movies. R. Lee Ermey’s iconic portrayal of the sadistic Gunnery Sgt….
Military History: Junior Generalissimos – 9 of History’s Youngest Commanders
“While a 30-something three-star is certainly a rarity in the annals of military history, a number of other legendary leaders assumed the mantle of command at far younger ages. Consider these.” IT’S BEEN SAID THAT WAR IS A YOUNG MAN’S GAME. Need proof? Look no further than James M. Gavin. James Gavin, pictured here before…
Defeating Al-Qaeda’s Nodes
Al Qaeda and the Islamic State thrive in lawless and ungoverned spaces where there is no rule of law to keep them in check. Al Qaeda’s home base in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) is the epitome of such a place, but the tide there has been turning against them over the last decade,…
World War Two History: The Nazi’s and the A-Bomb
Being a World War Two History buff and also an amateur historian and writer, I am always on the lookout for new books, movies or documentaries on the subject. Recently, Netflix came out with a 6-part Norwegian Mini-Series entitled The Heavy Water War that portrays Nazi Germany’s race to develop Atomic Weapons and the Allies subsequent…
Studies in Warfare: Russia Needs Three Days to Conquer Estonia and Latvia
In the event of an invasion, NATO’s options are ‘all bad’ according to a new study NATO has no way of stopping a Russian conventional invasion of Estonia and Latvia short of nuclear war, according to a new RAND Corporation study. That’s not surprising in itself. Russia has one of the world’s most powerful militaries,…
Why are Americans Bringing Guns to the Airport?
At Security Executives we naturally believe in security. That includes both our personal security and the security of the modes of transportation that we use. All 50 states now allow people to carry concealed firearms; 45 states require a permit to do so and 5 do not even require a permit. A 2014 report from…
Cartel Corner #54: How El Chapo Got his Gun
You’ve probably heard the news that when Mexican authorities raided the hideout of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera, the head of the murderous Sinaloa drug cartel, on Jan. 8, they recovered a .50-caliber Barrett rifle that was trafficked through the ATF’s disastrous “Fast and Furious” debacle. What you may not know, but probably suspected, is that…