OK, I am giving away my age, but do any of you guys remember the Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons movie Runaway from 1984? OK, before you read this article, watch this clip below… I think it is hilarious to see how people over 30 years ago saw the future and actually nailed it in…
Humor: Things you See on the Gun Range (It’s Funny Because it’s True)
Please don’t drink your hot morning beverage while watching this! Serious Spew Alert. Very Funny. My Favorite: The Afghan Shitter (ISIS Modified) Always a Classic!! Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Cyber Crime Update: Cyber Criminals Getting Smarter, More Sophisticated and More Organized
Just this morning alone I have received two specially crafted scam emails from cyber criminals targeting unsuspecting Nigerians (mostly those that have bank accounts). I must say I am impressed! I almost fell for this scam email even with my years of Information Security Research and Ethical Hacking. The reasons I almost fell for this…
Crusader Corner: The Cautionary Tale of Canada
If America stays on it’s “Multi-Cultural”, “Islam is not the root of the problem“course, and a Socialist renews his/her lease on the White House, Canada is how the United States will end up . And we all know how people who are Nice to “Refugees” end up, right? How About Raped and Murdered.-SF Canada…
7 Phrases You will Want to Keep Using After the Military
Though the military is famous for its colorful language, some phrases are useful beyond the battlefield. If you’ve served in the military, live with a veteran, or work with one, you know that jargon is a part of their vocabulary. While some of their military slang or abbreviations are practical in the civilian world,…
Paradoxes of the “Gray Zone”
Gray, it seems, is the new black. The concept of “gray zone” conflict has generated significant attention and controversy recently, within both the U.S. government and the broader strategic studies community. Some analysts have identified gray zone conflict as a new phenomenon that will increasingly characterize, and challenge, the international system in the years…
Crusader Corner: Al Jazeera Admits Editing Interview to Exclude Criticism of Muhammed
This video goes a long way in proving many things, the biggest two being: If you are a Christian who has decided to stand up to this onslaught of murderous, barbarians called muslims and islam you should KNOW the bible inside and out and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, because the ENEMY will…
Rape Prevention and Training: Reports of RAPE linked to Online Dating rise 450% in Five Years!
These numbers are staggering even if they are in the U.K. 450% over 5 Years breaks down to an average of a 90% increase in Rapes linked to Online Dating Sites per Year!! I will make this easy: If you are young, single woman looking for love, DO NOT USE DATING/HOOK-UP SITES. DO NOT set…
Hacker Plans to Dump Alleged Details of 20K FBI and 9K DHS Employees
If the account given below is accurate, it will not matter HOW MUCH money the US Govt spends on Cyber Defense. We have bonafide IDIOTS giving away information on “how-to” access secure Govt. data. You cannot FIX STUPID folks. And oh yeah, Iran is now a viable threat. -SF A hacker, who wishes to…
Dose of Truth: ISIS Fighters Entering Germany as Refugees
Not a new revelation for those of us that have seen through this “refugee” bullshit. Understand these three words: JIHAD BY MIGRATION. That is ISIS’ strategy and that is their current plan to sack and conquer Europe. Too bad most all of Europe have decided to ignore this fact. Too bad A lot MORE innocent people…