I know I am nothing but a lowly civilian and not a Aeronautical Engineer or anything, but I can tell you within reason that if a medium sized to large Drone was flown into the Engine Intake of a 747 Commercial Airliner it would disable the engine without a doubt. Multiply that Attack times Four…
Crusader Corner: Meet “The Soldiers of Odin”, A European Anti-Immigration Vigilante Group
Groups like this have been around for some time in Europe since this whole muslim invasion began. Of course the liberal media and governments have tried to suppress them, but a Man has a right to do what he has to do to protect his family and Community. America should take a cue from groups…
Military History: The Most ‘Interesting’ War Tactics of All Time According to Ask Reddit
A recent Ask Reddit thread sought to explore the greatest war tactic ever performed. The history books are full of examples of unconventional and surprise military tactics. A recent Reddit thread entitled “What was the most interesting war tactic ever performed in history?” was full of unbelievable stories, so naturally, we wanted to share a…
Happy 180th Anniversary of Texas Independence!
Today is A GREAT Day! This day, 180 years ago in 1836 Texas broke away from Mexico to become it’s OWN Republic. In a time of Gross Federal Despotism, it is important to not only Remember Texas’ Sovereign State Heritage, but also teach our Children of its importance as well. TEXAS DECLARATION OF…
Espionage Files: Time for a New CIA?
By John Sipher of the Cipher Brief Across the Central Intelligence Agency lobby from the iconic stars memorializing officers killed in the line of duty is a less well-known memorial. It is an understated relief in honor of those foreign spies who risked and lost their lives to provide secret information to the United States. …
Another Reason to Be Armed: Property Mgr. Shoots Burglar Dead in Las Vegas
Somewhere, everyday in the USA, 2100+ people use a gun for self defense, to stop a crime or save the lives of themselves or their family. “We believe that the American public deserve to understand that on the average, guns save 2,191 lives and are used to thwart crimes every day,” says Alan Gottlieb of…
Military History: Beating the “Bloody Flux” and How Sir John Pringle Waged War on Dysentery
“Sanitation standards in the 18th Century were almost non-existent. Soldiers were in the habit of relieving themselves wherever they wished, including outside their own tents, turning encampments into mucky breeding grounds for dysentery.” 18TH CENTURY MILITARY camps were hotbeds for communicable diseases. Often, more soldiers on campaign died from illness than were ever felled in battle. Interestingly enough, the…
World War Two History: 10 Things You Never Knew about “Saving Private Ryan”
Here are some behind-the-scenes details about the legendary World War II movie “Saving Private Ryan.” What pops into your head when you think about “Saving Private Ryan?” For many people, it’s the five Oscars, two Golden Globes, two BAFTAs, and an induction into the National Film Registry as a “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant film”…
Military History: Key Moments in Army Airborne History
In August the Army celebrated 75 years of airborne operations. Some highlights: August 1940: A test platoon from Fort Benning’s 29th Infantry Regiment executes the Army’s first airborne training jump less than 45 days after airborne was formed. The U.S. joined several world powers who had also developed the capability after World War I, including Italy, the Soviet…
Weird History: 8 Times Historical Leaders Literally Threw their Opponents Out of the Window
In the histories of medieval governments, pre-20th century monarchies, and political assassinations, the tales with fancy weapons and torture instruments seem to get all of the attention. There were times, however, when a person’s two hands were all it took to bring down an opponent, and quite often spark an entire revolution. When rage or…