I said this some time back and I will keep saying it: MAKING MILITARY FORCES DEPENDENT ON TECHNOLOGY IS STUPID. Basic Courses on Navigation WITHOUT the use of GPS AIDS should still be taught. Compass and Map Skills should not be an archaic skill-set!! This goes for Civilians as well. GPS Units are great but…
Say it Ain’t So! Soldier of Fortune Retiring it’s Print Magazine
Some of my fondest memories as a kid was me perusing the pages of the latest Soldier of Fortune magazine dreaming of the day when I too could travel to beautiful foreign lands and meet interesting people from different cultures and Kill them. Thank You Colonel Paul brown for 40+ Years of Amazing Journalism! May…
Crusader Corner: Obama DHS Scrubs 1,000 Names from U.S. Terror Watch List
“At least 1,000 names were scrubbed from the U.S. Terrorist Screening Database as part of an administration effort to protect the civil rights of suspected individuals.” What could possibly go wrong? Surely if any jihadis’ names were scrubbed from the list, they would be so grateful that their civil rights were being protected that…
Why You Should More Afraid of Apple than the Feds
I know I suggest this book alot, but you need to read Future Crimes by Marc Goodman. It will absolutely open your eyes to how companies like Apple, Microsoft and the thousands of other Data Brokers out there COLLECT your personal, private information and then treat it as a valuable commodity to be bought and…
Is Putin Really Dr. Moriarty?
An excellent article on understanding how Russian Hybrid Warfare manipulates the current geo-political spectrum. -SF We know ISIS is bad because it killed people in San Bernardino and Paris. We know Iran is bad because it’s still developing nuclear weapons. We know Russia is bad…because…well, didn’t Charlie Rose once say something about that? Or was…
Dose of Truth: “Treat the New Boss Same as the Old Boss”
Instead of watching the latest round of political theater tonight, take some time and investigate some of the facts listed below. It will be time well spent I promise you. -SF Reality Check: Regardless who Wins the White House, the New Boss will be the Same as the Old Boss “The main problem in…
1993 World Trade Center Bombed By Illegal Aliens Given Amnesty | Creeping Sharia
And the Proof just keeps rolling in…what is sad is that while the politicians and lawmakers have their thumb up their butt while all this “proof” stares them in the face, some jihadi is gonna be well on his way to a repeat of WTC 93′ x10. Time for ACTION folks, not DISCOURSE..that time has…
Reporter Grabs Secret Service Agent By The Throat, Agent Doesn’t React Kindly
Deacon Makes an Excellent Point Here.
Military History: 7 New War Machines America Planned to Unleash on Japan in 1946
The arsenal included larger tanks, more powerful artillery, faster fighter planes and new bombers.” AMERICA’S ANTICIPATED INVASION of Japan ultimately proved unnecessary – the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki made sure of that. Yet all throughout 1944 and 1945, Allied commanders were drawing up plans for the final assault on the enemy home islands. The campaign,…
Military History: 4 Exotic Weapons in Ancient Warfare that were Ahead of Their Time
When most think of ancient warfare, nothing more sophisticated than spears, bows, and maybe catapults come to mind. But like in modern warfare, few things breed ingenuity more than the need to outgun the enemy. Here are some of the more elaborate examples: 1. Claw of Archimedes Archimedes, the famed Greek mathematician and inventor, developed a…