Here is another example of a story about an armed civilian SAVING innocent lives you most likely heard NOTHING about (I Know I didn’t). Guns Save Lives Folks…Stay Armed!! -SF Another legally armed person has stopped a potential mass shooting in Hamilton, Alabama on February 10th, 2016. The shooting occurred in the morning, a little…
Brush-Up on Your History: Unhinged! 10 of History’s “Craziest” Military Commanders
“Consider some of these ‘mad’ commanders from the pages of military history.” GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON ONCE DESCRIBED HIMSELF AS the best “ass-kicker in the United States Army.” It’s a claim that’s not without merit. In just nine short months beginning in July of 1944, the flamboyant four-star led his Third Army half way across…
How The Black Market is Booming in Ukraine
The deal was complete in a matter of minutes and the fuel barrels stood empty. The smugglers, however, would soon be embarking on their next run. A week’s work in rebel-held Luhansk had depleted the taxi’s diesel tanks; every fuel station stood empty. Following a flurry of phone calls, the driver reserved the last spot…
Espionage Files: Richard Sakakida Spied on the Imperial Japanese Right Under Their Noses
The Nisei war hero endured torture and near-starvation, yet passed valuable intelligence to the U.S. Army It was 1942, not long after the fall of the American stronghold of Corregidor that guarded Manila Bay in The Philippines. U.S. Army Sgt. Richard Sakakida was in the hands of the dreaded Kempeitai, the Imperial Japanese military…
The Need to Read Better
I know this article is a bit “off-topic” for this blog, but as a writer, reader and parent, the stats in the article floored me! Let’s all do our part to promote literacy in the HOME and not TRUST the public school system to do it for us. -SF In 1930, 3 million American adults…
Brush-Up On Your History: 22 Brutal Dictators You Never Heard Of
Representative government has been a luxury that relatively few people have enjoyed throughout human history. And while the vast majority of dictators fall short of Hitler- or Stalin-like levels of cruelty, history is rife with oppressors, war criminals, sadists, sociopaths, and morally complacent individuals who ended up as unelected heads of government — to the tragic detriment…
A Bite of the Apple: Privacy Versus National Security
There is an interesting conundrum in the works between the FBI and Apple. But interestingly enough, while several other companies (Like Google) have come out in support, the public sector is not raising the same cry as they should. Perhaps they don’t understand the issue. When the smart phone hit the scene, it took the world…
Cyber-Crime: JP Morgan Invents Algorithm to “Sniff Out” Rogue Traders
I swear every day we get closer to the movie “Minority Report” being a reality..the “authorities” knowing you are guilty of a crime before you commit it! Combine this with the current fight with Apple and the FBI you start to see the big SCARY picture. -SF Wall Street traders are already threatened by…
FBI Makes Insane Announcement About San Bernardino Massacre…
Once again the FBI proves they are obsolete as far as Counter-Terrorism goes.
Cyber-Warfare: Nitro-Zeus
A new documentary on “Stuxnet”, the joint U.S.-Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program, reveals it was just a small part of a much bigger cyber operation against the nation’s military and civilian infrastructure under the code name “NITRO ZEUS” The United States hacked into critical civilian and military infrastructure in Iran to allow its operatives…