I have been drilling lately with my small “hideout” waist-carried fixed blade knives, mainly, my Benchmade CBK and SOG Snarl. Training Notes: Since both of these shivs have an unconventional grip (CBK is a syringe type, the Snarl a single-finger loop, claw design), striking is a bit more unorthodox than if I were using a standard…
CO Security Alert: Hospitals
[youtube=http://youtu.be/ZaI1L8EfsBs] With this latest incident in a Minnesota Hospital, where a mentally deranged patient after dismantling a bed frame , took a metal rod and attacked several nurses, injuring four, with one nurse suffering a collapsed lung, it makes people realize that Hospitals are not as safe as once thought. Hospitals have always been an…
Open Carry May Soon be a Reality in Texas!
Well it did not take our new Governor Greg Abbott long to act on one of his campaign promises. Open Carry of a Handgun (with aPermit) may be coming to Texas very soon. While it is currently legal to openly carry a long arm, our New Governor saw fit to have Texas POSSIBLY join…
Re-Examining the Neck Knife: Mall Ninja Garb or Street Practical Shiv?
I have discussed on this blog before how I favor the carry of a small fixed blade knife carried horizontal in addition to a pocket folder of some type. The point being: AMBIDEXTROUS ACCESSIBILITY or Can you access both blades with either hand easily? When we think about having access to a weapon during a fight, we…
21st Century Guerilla Terrorism
At NO other time in history has there been a more obvious and clarified threat to the civilian operator by terrorism than today. Now I am not going to waste your time and go into the political “Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda” of this. Obviously, the ball has more than been fumbled in this situation..it has been LOST…
Building your Kids a SHTF “Key Ring”
If you are a parent and are like me, for every thought that passes through your mind about preparation, survival and security, there is always another thought that follows close behind that ask how it applies to your kids. In going over a basic SHTF plan, most families have to consider that their is…
“Setting So High a Price for Our Blood…”
I am currently reading Steven Pressfield’s novel The Lions Gate, a fictional “hybrid history” of Israel’s Six Day War fought in 1967. The book is outstanding so far and I highly recommend it, as I do any of Pressfield’s stuff, as it is all top-notch. The other day, I came across a statement that I…
Quit Worrying and Start Training!
I have been literally assaulted on all sides lately by folks asking me to give them advice on how best to “prepare” for the current crisis we are all facing in this country right now. From Ebola to EV-D68 to ISIS coming across our borders, to our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights being trampled…
Help Stop the Sheep Abuse!
Every 3 minutes a Sheep is kidnapped just like this and sexually assaulted in Arab speaking Countries by horny, Arab men. Help Stop the Sheep Abuse…….Support FAA-SAB-HA (Farm Animals Against Sexual Assault by Horny Arabs) Your Donation Could Save another Sheep this Terrible Injustice! 🙂 [youtube=http://youtu.be/o0sfQy2fDEE]
We are Being Mislead about Ebola………
They Have Been Lying To You About How Easily Ebola Spreads Posted on October 13, 2014 by Michael Snyder How did a health worker in Dallas wearing full protective gear catch Ebola if the virus “does not spread easily”? Just last week, Barack Obama declared to the public that you cannot get Ebola “sitting next…