Here is one inspirational read for you… August 15th, 2015 marks the 95th anniversary of the greatest military victory in modern Polish history. And before you assholes out there start talking about how they finally built a mosquito-proof submarine because they installed screen door hatches or some other such bullshit, you should know that…
ISIS Organizing Small Armies Inside America
The FBI reports that all 56 of its field offices have active investigations against other Islamic State suspects… The [recent New York and New Jersey] busts bring to 70 the number of IS-inspired terrorists arrested in this country in homeland plots.” The below editorial in an affiliate of Investor’s Business Daily ably sums up…
“The Clinic of Hundreds”: A REAL Example of the Status of Veterans Health Care
So many time the general public when they hear about how BAD the state of VA Hospitals is, they simply shuff it off because they have no frame of reference. This recorded phone call is now your frame of reference. This is how our Vets are treated everyday by a Federal Organization that was created…
Damnatio Memoriae for the 21st Century?
{Damnatio Memoriae} is the latin phrase literally meaning “condemnation of memory” in the sense of a judgment that a person must not be remembered. It was a form of dishonor that could be passed by the Roman Senate upon traitors or others who brought discredit to the Roman State. The intent was to erase someone from…
I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me…
Your Watch is Watching you. Who is Watching Your Watch? Not Worried About the Internet of Things? Well You Just Became a Part of It. As more and more “things” that you interact with every day become hooked into the internet, you leave a permanent trail of digital exhaust that enables hackers and government agencies…
5 Reasons Legal Gun Owners Go To Jail
There is not much you can do about most of these issues, except #2, which is why I always tell new Concealed Carry Licensees and Firearm Owners to get EDUCATED on Firearm and Use of Force/Self-Defense Laws in their State. As you can see, NEVER depend on Law Enforcement or even the DA to know…
Obama and Kerry: Leading Subsidizers of International Terrorism
A Couple of articles all lovers of America and Freedom should read…I think it will give you an entirely new outlook on this supposed “Great Nuclear Deal” that was made with Iran….don’t be surprised if you get this overwhelming urge to vomit afterwards. As my good friend Bill Powell of Intel-Overwatch said, “The Barbarians are…
Urban Warfare, Back in the Day
URBAN WARFARE, BACK IN THE DAY Current headlines are replete with stories of urban warfare. Be it Aleppo, Ramadi, Tripoli or some Ukrainian city you only learned of last year, there appears to be no shortage of combatants that want to fight in/over/for some piece of urban terrain. Perhaps a brief step back in to…
By James Holmes According to navy lore, a sea story starts with “there I was” — and everything that follows is a falsehood. So there I was, 25 years ago today, staring out across the vast Atlantic as a gunnery officer in the battleship USS Wisconsin. Destination: Persian Gulf. Herewith, five takeaways from Operations…
Americans Buy Into Marxist Family Planning
By Paul Kengor If you’ve never read “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, published in 1848, you should especially right now. To be sure, reading this awful screed against human nature can be confusing, let alone unsatisfying and thoroughly unedifying. What do the authors mean, for example, when they screech: “Abolition of…