This patently false claim is part of the ongoing Big Lie campaign to try to downplay and minimize the jihad threat. It first surfaced in June, and in wake of he Oregon murders, the media elites are dragging it back out again. But it is no more coherent or reasonable than it was in the summer.
The study is based on the number of those killed by each group since 9/11. It skews the results by leaving out 9/11: what possible justification can there be for leaving 9/11 out of what is supposed to be a calculation of the magnitude of various threats to the U.S. Adherents to the belief system that led to 9/11 are still very much around. This article says that 48 people have been killed by right-wing extremists, versus 26 by Islamic jihadists, but the results would look much different if one adds one more day to the period surveyed, September 11, 2001. Then you have 3,003 people killed by Islamic jihadists, versus 48 by supposed right-wing extremists. Which is the bigger threat again?
The study also ignores the many, many foiled jihad plots. If even a fraction of them had succeeded, no one would dare make this equivalence, for even without adding in 9/11, the number of casualties of the jihad would be much higher.
Also, this is really a comparison between the threat posed by Islamic jihadists and that presented by not actual right-wing extremists, but everyone else. For there is no ideological kinship between Dylann Roof, the murderer in Charleston, South Carolina, who really was a racist lunatic, and Oregon shooter Chris Harper Mercer (linked below at “yesterday’s tragic shooting”), who had none of the Confederate paraphernalia or race hatred that Roof had. The only thing they had in common was that they both targeted Christians; but that is not the group that the mainstream media wants you to think “right-wing extremists” and white supremacists are targeting.
In reality, people like Roof and Chris Harper Mercer kill because of the crazy voices inside their paranoid heads. They are not part of any movement with an articulated agenda or goal. Islamic jihadists, on the other hand, have a shared belief system with clearly defined goals. They are members of or ideologically aligned with groups that have declared their intention to destroy the U.S. and the free world. Islamic jihad groups are determined to kill as many Americans as possible and conquer free societies. There is no comparable “right-wing extremist” movement determined to subvert, destroy and replace the U.S. government.
Read the Remainder at Jihad Watch
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