Just like Cartel Corner that deals with the Mexican and South American Drug Cartels, this is the first in a series of articles dealing strictly with IS (or ISIS) the Islamic State Terrorist Group. Let me know what you guys think and want to see more of. -SF
US Officials Ask How ISIS Got So Many Toyota Trucks
U.S. counter-terror officials have asked Toyota, the world’s second largest auto maker, to help them determine how ISIS has managed to acquire the large number of Toyota pick-up trucks and SUVs seen prominently in the terror group’s propaganda videos in Iraq, Syria and Libya, ABC News has learned.
Toyota says it does not know how ISIS obtained the vehicles and is “supporting” the inquiry led by the Terror Financing unit of the Treasury Department — part of a broad U.S. effort to prevent Western-made goods from ending up in the hands of the terror group.
“We briefed Treasury on Toyota’s supply chains in the Middle East and the procedures that Toyota has in place to protect supply chain integrity,” said Ed Lewis, Toyota’s Washington-based director of public policy and communications.
Read the Remainder of this Farce of “Investigative Journalism” HERE
Well, the Government and their inbred lap dog, the liberal media, led up front by that solid rock of investigative journalism, Brian Ross, has officially gone Full Retard Guys. We are now investigating Toyota as to why ISIS is driving around in so many of their trucks!! Wow, really!?? Really?? This is the extent of our aspirations in defeating ISIS? Investigating a major vehicle manufacturer why a guerilla terrorist group who is bankrolled out the wazoo by captured Oil Fields raking in a paltry $2 Million a day why they are driving their vehicles around? Actually we should all be amazed ISIS has not upgraded to Escalades or the new Acura SUV’s with the money they are bringing in.
It is any wonder ISIS is Winning right now, with this level of stupidity in our Government and the liberal lame-stream spouting off nonsense like this?
Hey I have an ideal: instead of worrying about how the terrorist got all their Fly rides, let’s focus on KILLING the terrorist and BLOWING up their Rides and BREAKING ALL THEIR SHIT into a Thousand Pieces, how’s that?
Be Concerned Folks, Be Very Concerned.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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