My buddy Brian over at Dinzag Arms sent me this AWESOME T-Shirt that I just had to show you guys… The Blue on the Black Background is soooo nice, Plus that mean ass looking animal holding the AK is just nasty looking isn’t it? It looks like what we would call in Texas to be…
Islam’s Quiet Conquest of Europe visa vis Refugee Ground Forces
USA – -( “Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide,” wrote James Burnham in his 1964 “Suicide of the West.” Burnham predicted that the mindless magnanimity of liberals, who subordinate the interests of their own people and nations to utopian and altruistic impulses, would bring about an end to Western civilization. Was he wrong?…
China’s Newest Weapons
When I first saw the pictures in this article I got goosebumps… I am old enough to remember the Soviet “May Day” Parades in Moscow in the 80’s, where they would parade around and show off all their ICBM’s. China, like Russia then, seems to be in a fighting mood, and with China’s latest threatening…
China’s New “We will Kick America’s Ass” Propaganda Video
Yesterday, China held a parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of World War II, and swore high and low that it wasn’t flexing its military muscles in the process. Zhang Ming, vice minister of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told a press conference last month that “if someone says this is flexing anything, it is a flexing of the…
Spec-Ops Brand Double Hitter Gear Review
I wanted to review for you guys a couple more pieces of gear from my friends at Spec-Ops Brand in Monahans, Texas. The first is a piece of kit is one that I have worn every day for several years now, the Better BDU Belt. Here are the Specs from the website: The best-selling Better BDU…
How Many US Troops Were Killed by Iranian IED’s?
Yeah, Mr. Kerry and BHO, that was a really great move signing off on a deal that gave these Iranian POS Billions of dollars to continue their terrorist activities….Never mind they were responsible for thousands of American deaths in Iraq. What do you call it when a Govt Official (The Secretary of State and President…
Reminder: If you have not turned off Windows 10 Keylogger, DO IT NOW!
Read the Article at The Hacker News
Propaganda of the Deed: How Insurgents are Seizing the Initiative
On a clear afternoon in March 2011, the relatively still air in Uruzgan’s Tarin Kot bowl was punctured by a blast wave and flame ball that rose more than 100 meters into the sky. Insurgents had concealed an improvised explosive device within a motorcycle, and infiltrated it into the logistics soak yard outside the Multi-National…
News you will not Hear: Boko Haram goes on MASS Murder Spree
The News the lame-stream media refuses to report because what Donald Trump said was so much damn interesting and “controversial”…Christians are being slaughtered by the thousands folks by this plague on humanity called islam, let us all get our collective head out of our butts and start planting these POS where we find them. -SF…
Gear Review: County-Comm’s Cage Pocket LED Light
It is often said it is the smallest things that can make the biggest difference in an emergency situation. Packing that pair of jumper cables before that road trip or that extra bundle of toilet paper perhaps. But it goes without saying that having a small and inexpensive light source wherever and whenever you…