It is clear ISIS is successfully importing Terrorism through online recruitment and hacking jobs like this. ALL Veterans need to be aware, check on one another and Carry 24/7 regardless of where you are. -SF Today hacking…Tomorrow killing.” Meanwhile no U.S. officials are calling upon Muslims in the U.S. to do anything to counter Islamic…
The Watermelon Patch: The Bad-Assness of the American Fighting Man!
As Warriors we assume the lineage of those who went before us and only in knowing our lineage can we honor them. This month we will focus on the Badassness of the American fighting man – along with a few other interesting military obscurities from our collective past. Let’s start by singing Happy 54th Birthday…
16 basic principles of Mass Indoctrination
1.Start While They are Young 2. Create the Illusion of Political Freedom 3. Use Simplistic Stereo-types to Sway Public Opinion Read the Remainder at Medium
Texas: Armed Muslim Enters Church to “Slay Infidels”
Yeah, the Threat of Terrorism is alive and well EVERYWHERE folks, even in my neck of the woods in Texas. All I can say is Carry 24/7, even in Church and encourage your pastor and his staff to carry 24/7. The Threat is Real. -SF “He said people are going to die today, that’s what…
How To Keep Hackers from Causing Chaos at the Gas Pumps
By Aliya Sternstein The FBI and Department of Homeland Security just issued new warnings about everyday objects that stay connected to an unsecured internet. Their public service announcements concern security risks posed by the so-called Internet of Things, or IoT, a situation where everyday objects connect to a network. Researchers this summer proved that connected items…
Texas Tactical Hats Swag
Hey guys, I wanted to show you my newest friends to the Blog, Texas Tactical Hats and some of the awesome swag they have to offer. First and Foremost the cap on the upper left is their Multicam Cap offering, it is a high quality, Texas made cap with a high quality muted color Texas…
Time to Think About “Hybrid Defense”
By Mark Galeotti If the new threat is so complex, political, and subtle, shouldn’t the response be the same? Much is made these days of the new challenge to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) from “hybrid warfare” — the kind of blended military-political-intelligence-economic operations Russia has launched in Ukraine. Whether or not this really…
Islamic State map of countries it plans to dominate by 2020
This is what the “caliphate” will look like in 5 years if nothing is done to STOP ISIS. They plan to take over these areas not by means of conventional warfare, but through subversion. It’s improbable, but so is the existence of the Islamic State today, and all its gains over the past year. And…
Immigration Jihad in Europe: Time to re-think “Multiculturalism”
“Your Children will Pray to Allah or Die” is what this sign reads in Sindelfingen, Germany. This is the type of ideology that is being imported into Europe and the U.S. by the thousands, I say in one year Germany and the other countries letting the muslims invade will be unrecognizable, much like Great Britain…
Hungary trying to Stem the Islamic Invasion
Razor Wire?! Yeah we are going to have to get more aggressive than that Hungary if you expect to stop these people. I say Plant one large landmine field, after about a dozen buy the farm the rest will get the message, spread the word and head back to whatever shitbox they crawled out of….