I came across this story and though saddened by this family’s loss, I was really taken back by the statistics of West Nile Infections in or around the Dallas Area. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/07/30/west-nile-kills-mom-4-on-child-birthday/?test=latestnews Since there is no vaccine currently available, the only weapon we have is prevention. Here is a link to the CDC’s fact and…
Dipping the Flag and other Flag Etiquette Taboo’s.
http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/will-u-s-dip-american-flag-at-olympic-ceremony.html When I saw this story, I have to be honest…it did not surprise me, not because of the current administration and their total disregard of American values and their campaign to castrate American Greatness but because most everywhere I go, I see gross violations of flag etiquette and code. Some may be out…
Understanding the Tactics of Terror
“Violence does not discriminate based on one’s age, race, gender, faith, income level and own perception of preparedness level to deal with it…Without a moment’s notice, one can find himself in the middle of the most chaotic, brutal, mind-numbing experience of one’s life…Criminals, Gang-Bangers, Predators, Terrorist and Sociopaths by definition, prey on the weak and…
The Next Somalia?
Although I would hold out little hope for this administration intervening..this is another great example of militant-islam filling the power vacuum. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/07/24/stopping_mali_from_becoming_somalia
The CCL “Vigilante Temptation”
Lesson of Colorado: Ignore Victim Disarmament Zones and pack concealed anyway. From Mike Vanderboegh (with permission), sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot Friday, July 20, 2012 You know, my daughters go to the movies. What if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater, as so many of our kids do every day? — Barack Obama reacting to the “Colorado Movie Massacre.”…
Where are you PTK??
(By Contributing Author Mark Edwards) A few days before the tragic Batman Movie Massacre in Colorado, I found myself without my Pocket Trauma Kit (PTK). In my daily travels, I find my brain dwelling on tasks at hand, and then at stop lights, sometimes wondering what I forgot to bring along. On a recent Thursday, it was my PTK. Some background might be in order. A few years…
I have been writing articles on Active Shooter scenarios since this blog began. I have made it my mission to equip the average civilian with the tools and information needed to defeat these animals. My Civilian Operator course has specific modules so every day people can counter acts like these. In saying all that, when…
The Batman Massacre
Yet another Active Shooter scenario, the deadliest since the Ft. Hood Shooting: 12 Dead and 50 Wounded. There will be alot to talk about in the coming weeks guys, right now let’s pray for the victims families. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/20/deadly-shooting-colorado-movie-theater-dark-knight-rises/
ACLU sues Sec-Def and CIA!!
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2012/07/aclu-sues-defense-secy-cia-military-officers-for-killing-jihadists-awlaki-and-samir-khan.html This is what happens when you treat the WAR on Terror as a Law Enforcement problem versus what it is: WAR. It is ridiculous to think that before we could kill a known terrorist we would have to obtain a court order??!! Ridiculous. In treating it as LE problem, you give the impression that…
Update on Israeli Bus Bombing in Bulgaria