Yesterday’s speech by BHO amounted to a “Tempest in a Teacup” IMO and ranks right up there with some of the most nauseating political theater I have seen in a long while. I will be posting my own 2 cents on this goat rodeo later today. It will be short and succinct I promise. In…
Category: Propaganda Alert
Trumbo: How Historical Revisionism in Film is attempting to Dupe a Generation
I just watched the movie Trumbo after a friend of mine who works in the movie biz asked me to see it and give him my ‘honest’ opinion. The bottom line is despite all the “rave” reviews the film got and even with the star power of Brian Cranston, Dianne Lane. Helen Mirren and John Goodman the…
More Proof Islam is a Sham
You don’t have to study the origins of islam for too long to realize this so called “religion” was cooked up by man to serve man’s own greedy and corrupt purposes. In the Bible it speaks of “Doctrines of Devils”, I think this very clearly falls under this category. But don’t take my word for…
Forged ISIS Video Praises Obama’s Backing
Is is Real or is it Memorex Folks?? An apparently forged ISIS video disseminated online Monday praised President Obama and called for joint U.S. action with the terrorist group against Russian intervention in Syria. The five-minute video also called for designating Obama as the caliph, or ruler, of ISIS. ISIS supporters on Twitter were quick…
Dose of Truth: Govt. Track Record on National Security is a Joke
San Bernardino jihad murderer was vetted by FIVE different government agencies DECEMBER 14, 2015 6:23 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER It just keeps getting worse. At first we were told that she had been vetted by two agencies. Apparently Obama Administration officials were hoping to cover up the magnitude of this failure. In any case, Tashfeen…
Cartel Corner #34: The El Chapo/ISIS Media Bandwagon Rides Again!
A blog about Mexican drug cartels reported on December 7 about a leaked encrypted email supposedly sent by notorious Sinaloa cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán to prominent Islamic State (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. In the email, Guzmán allegedly threatens to retaliate against ISIS for destroying drug shipments and interfering in cartel business….
Propaganda Alert: Exploiting Tragedy and the Continuing Agenda to Disarm America Bullet by Bullet
By Hammerhead The latest tragedy in San Bernardino, California where a jihadist terrorist couple walked into a Christmas Party at the husbands place of work and shot down 14 people in cold blood is just another CHANCE for the no-bama administration to ride the political wave of “public sentiment and anger” toward both terrorism…
Propaganda Alert: Gun Free UT’s Claim about CHL Holders and “Mass Shootings” Does Not Stand up to Scrutiny
Bullshit Alert!! AUSTIN, TX – The anti-campus carry professors behind Gun Free UT love to cite statistics suggesting that a concealed handgun license (CHL) holder is more likely to commit a mass shooting than to stop one; however; Gun Free UT’s statistics—which are never offered with any type of context—are at best misleading and…