By Hammerhead
The latest tragedy in San Bernardino, California where a jihadist terrorist couple walked into a Christmas Party at the husbands place of work and shot down 14 people in cold blood is just another CHANCE for the no-bama administration to ride the political wave of “public sentiment and anger” toward both terrorism and guns.
Those that have been around the RKBA movement for some time know that the liberals always have a Plan B and C when it comes to Gun “Control” and trampling on our Second Amendment Rights. When the libs get stonewalled on passing stricter gun laws in congress and the Senate, they move on to attacking the ways civilians obtain ammunition and high capacity magazines. You don’t have to think back too far to see their most recent attempts at this lunacy.
Now There are several things about this massacre in California that are strange and frankly just don’t add up, (just like the Sandy Hook Massacre) but the main thing I want to bring to your attention today is this latest PROPAGANDA PIECE that is on continuous loop on all the propaganda news networks of a virtual media circus being allowed into the home of the Terrorist to roam freely, take video and photos. (Something that is unheard of in recent memory).
Note in the above video at around 1:10 you see them ZOOM IN on a supposed “Inventory List” the FBI “left behind” (how convenient of them to leave this list for the media to find) of items removed from the home. About halfway down are several entries for LARGE AMOUNTS OF AMMUNITION in various quantities. Some of the entries I have seen in other reports list retail receipts like an ammo and accessory purchase from Texas online retailer Cheaper than Dirt.
They of course follow this up with a picture like the one above of ammo that was taken from the home and vehicle of the shooters and also repeat that the shooter had over “6,100 rounds” of “Assault Rifle” Ammunition, and just for good measure, during a tour of one of the bedrooms, they zoom in on a bottle of Rem Gun Oil sitting next to a baby bottle. Dramatic enough for you?
I don’t think I need to explain this any further.
Guys, the fact of the matter is we now live in a Country where the Govt, can at will, use their “Public Information Arm” of the media (or should is Say “Dis-information”) to spread blatant propaganda to help propel their agenda of disarming America if not with stricter gun laws, then with stricter laws prohibiting the online purchase of ammunition or the purchase of large amounts of ammunition.
My prediction is in the weeks to come we will see a full court press on the ammunition issue by the Libs and ultimately, an “Executive Action” by the President.
Totalitarianism in action Folks.
Stay Armed, Stay Alert and Stay Dangerous!
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