President Barack Obama will move to declassify U.S. military and intelligence records related to Argentina‘s “Dirty War,” the White House said Thursday, aiming to bring closure to questions of U.S. involvement in a notorious chapter in Argentina’s history. Obama’s visit to Buenos Aires next week coincides with the 40th anniversary of the 1976 military coup…
Category: Propaganda Alert
The Long History of “Little Green Men” Tactics and How They Were Defeated
In both Crimea and the subsequent fighting in the Donbas region of Ukraine, Russia’s signature tactic has been the use of so-called “Green Men,” soldiers without identifying insignia whose identity as Russian soldiers the Kremlin denied. Ukraine, Georgia, and even NATO members like Estonia now fear that they could be the next target for Russia’s…
Crusader Corner: Fact Checking “10 Lies You Were Told About Islam”
David Wood of Answering Muslims fact-checks the viral video “10 Lies You Were Told about Islam,” which (surprise, surprise) turns out to be full of lies itself. Read the Original Article at Jihad Watch
Chevy Chase Lays Out The Truth about SNL and Liberal Propaganda
Look, funny or not, it is no big secret that Saturday Night Live has been a bastion of Democratic Lib-Tard Propaganda since the 70’s… But it is nice to have one of the founding members of the SNL comedy team, Chevy Chase, admit that SNL openly seeks to politically influence people in very clear and…
The Rise of the Hybrid Warriors: From Ukraine to the Middle East
The Iraqi Army defenders of Ramadi had held their dusty, stony ground for over a year and become familiar with the increasing adeptness of their opponents waving black flags. At first, these Iraqi Army units simply faced sprayed rifle fire, but then it was well-placed sniper rounds that forced these weary units to keep under…
How to Spot a “Swatter”
Not only are these dangerous hoaxes they are also a tool for the anti-gunners out there to try and draw negative attention to an “active shooter” or “mass shooting”. Remember, the Information/Propaganda War is not really about substance, (I think most of us can agree on that) it is just about Headlines. Make enough of…
Crusader Corner: More Proof the U.N. is Worthless and Corrupt
UN lists acts of terrorism, leaves out all mention of Israeli victims of “Palestinian” stabbing attacks As the “Palestinian” jihad against Israel has grown more virulent and violent over the last few months, the pro-jihad stance of the United Nations becomes abundantly clear. The UN is a disgrace, a tool of the Organization of Islamic…
Why You Should More Afraid of Apple than the Feds
I know I suggest this book alot, but you need to read Future Crimes by Marc Goodman. It will absolutely open your eyes to how companies like Apple, Microsoft and the thousands of other Data Brokers out there COLLECT your personal, private information and then treat it as a valuable commodity to be bought and…
Is Putin Really Dr. Moriarty?
An excellent article on understanding how Russian Hybrid Warfare manipulates the current geo-political spectrum. -SF We know ISIS is bad because it killed people in San Bernardino and Paris. We know Iran is bad because it’s still developing nuclear weapons. We know Russia is bad…because…well, didn’t Charlie Rose once say something about that? Or was…
Dose of Truth: “Treat the New Boss Same as the Old Boss”
Instead of watching the latest round of political theater tonight, take some time and investigate some of the facts listed below. It will be time well spent I promise you. -SF Reality Check: Regardless who Wins the White House, the New Boss will be the Same as the Old Boss “The main problem in…