These are some very old clips but are still IMO some of the best out there regarding realistic Combative strikes that work. *Use these strikes in your CQ empty-hand/stick/knife/gun training as a way to quickly “create distance” between you and the BG so you can draw your weapon. Always stay open to the ideal of…
Category: Mindset
Why Israel will Survive another 100 Years
Just line in the tradition of Sparta and the “Agoge”, children in Israel are raised to be warriors and taught to Serve and Protect their Nation is the highest Honor. Israel has practiced this tradition for Thousands of Years…It Ensures their Survival..Just look at their track record in WAR and you will see that it…
Has America Surpassed the EU in Cowardice toward Terrorism?
I ask that question based on a recent article in the Daily Beast concerning Hezbollah operating in Europe. The wording in this article is very strange, but yet, eerily familiar. Here is an example: “The Lebanese terror group continues to operate in Europe despite warnings from the EU. What will Brussels do about it?” “In other…
The Paper Tiger that is American Domestic Counter-Terrorism Policy
Yesterday was a Sad Day when 4 Marines and now a Navy Petty Officer (who was wounded but succumbed to his wounds Saturday) lost their lives not on a foreign battlefield, but right here in America by the hands of a coward terrorist. My deepest sympathies and heartfelt prayers go out to the families of these…
Determination to fight ISIS
Let this brave Peshmerga Fighters example during the Battle for Mosul last year be a lesson to all of us…this man gets blown up by a friggin IED but keeps on fighting though wounded…such is the resolve of some to fight ISIS and stop these murdering assholes. Let us only hope America DEVELOPS this resolve…
Bad Ass of the Week
A good friend frequently sends me these, and although the language is a bit over the top at times, it sure makes for entertaining reading. I mean even if it is a half-baked propaganda stunt, a dude that is named “The Angel of Death” and looks like and I quote: ” A combination of Kratos…
Learning from Terrorist Tactics: Becoming Anonymous
In a recent article in Jihad Watch Robert Spencer talks about how the 24 year old jihadist who committed the Tunisian Resort Massacre last week where 39 people were killed and at least 39 others were wounded, managed, before the attack, to go completely un-noticed by the public. As Spencer points out, this is clearly due…
Why the Average Civilian should study Asymmetrical Warfare
From the Archives, 2015. I got asked this question the other day by a close friend and it occurred to me that I had never really plainly answered that question on this blog, even though I talk about the subject frequently. I think the best way to approach this subject is through historical precedent. It…
Shot Placement in Combat Shooting
From those crazy dudes at Not sure of their share rules, so as not to piss in anybodys cheerios, I just posted a link. This is one of the best articles I have read in a long time on the reality of COMBAT Shooting. Stay Alert, Stay Armed, Stay Real and Stay Dangerous!
Movement in Combat and the Historical Imperative
I don’t know about you, but my jaw hit the floor watching this guy. I think part of the reason for my amazement was he literally, in the span of about 5 minutes, through historical fact and obvious demonstration of SKILL, broke every stereo-typical ideal I had about archers in combat. Think back to…