I ask that question based on a recent article in the Daily Beast concerning Hezbollah operating in Europe. The wording in this article is very strange, but yet, eerily familiar. Here is an example:
“The Lebanese terror group continues to operate in Europe despite warnings from the EU. What will Brussels do about it?”
“In other words, the EU banned part of Hezbollah and warned it to cease activities in Europe, and Hezbollah promptly called Brussels’ bluff. Which leaves us with Mr. Fabius’s question: Will the EU accept a terrorist organization operating in Europe?”
Note the bolded and italicized words: “despite warnings?” “Accept a terrorist organization in Europe?” WTF am I reading here!? Since when did any self-respecting NATION (or NATIONS) “Accept” Terrorism? or “give warnings” to Terrorist? Well obviously the liberal socialist European Union does. But wait, I see a really frightening parallel here: America seems to have adopted the same stance on Terrorism as our Socialist, Liberal neighbors across the pond.
Comparisons? Sure.
Three years ago Hezbollah blows up a bus full of Israeli’s in Bulgaria, killing the driver and 5 Israeli citizens. What is the response? The EU CONDEMNS Hezbollah?? Condemns??
Last week some POS terrorist goes to 2 recruiting stations in Tennessee and kills 4 Marines and US Navy Sailor. What Happens? Nada. Zilch. Absolutely Nothing in the form of a “Fuck you” or “Have a nice Day” to ISIS. But wait, we did get A bunch of canned speeches by politicians expressing their “sorrow” and the liberal media all the while telling us what an “All American Boy” this piece of shit who just killed 5 of my brethren is?? Oh but there is more: Our islamic sympathizing president, not two hours before the shooting, goes on Twitter and celebrates Ramadan with the rest of the goat humping muslim world (but refuses to acknowledge the Christian National Day of Prayer, so what does that tell you?)
But, as the examples continue to grow in the pro-islamic similarities of the U.S. and Europe, there are also examples of the opposite; how small minorities (count me into this group) both in Europe and here in the U.S., are standing up to the rising tide of “Islamification” of this country. In the U.S., there is the AFDI (American Freedom Defense Initiative), which made the news recently as one the events it hosted in Garland, Texas was attacked by two jihadist, who were subsequently killed in a shootout. There is also Jihad Watch with Robert Spencer, one of the best sources for worldwide news on terrorism without the liberal bias and slant. In Europe, there is the SIOE. (Stop Islamification of Europe) founded in 2007 with the motto “Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense.”
Lastly, I ask you, as this sharp young lady asked in this two and half minute blast: Where is the Leadership for this Country? Where is the SPIRIT OF LEADERSHIP that helped shape this Country? People like Ronald Reagan, who, if you touched a US Citizen, we bombed your fucking cities into parking lots… Or if you kidnapped U.S. citizens the Marines were sent in to invade your country and BREAK all your Shit… Where have they all gone? Answer: They, and their SPIRIT are Dead my friends, never to return. As General Dwight D. Eisenhower said of the Greatest Generation of WW2:
“We may NEVER see their like Again…”
Sad Truth guys.
Regardless of what some of you may think 2016 Holds, I would not hold your Breath.
One Last Thing, I ran across this Blade on Breach Bang Clear and just had to show it..to me the inscription epitomizes My Attitude Toward IS and any other POS that want to kill Americans:
Rant Off. //SF from Alcatraz///Out.
Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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