By Hammerhead If you have been paying attention and not getting distracted with all the nauseating political theater in Iowa and New Hampshire, then you heard about the recent attack in Ohio where a muslim jihadist decided to attack innocent people in a restaurant with a machete. This happened in Ohio folks, not the Middle…
Category: Islam Invasion
The Islam Invasion: Terrorist Commit Machete Attack in Ohio
I reinforce to everybody I know: The WAR is here, so ALWAYS go armed, regardless of where you are going. This is the world we live in now folks. -SF By John Farnam Islamic Terrorist Attack Today, within CONUS. They’re here! “Personal weapons, carried concealed, are a source of comfort when you’re not fighting, essential…
Crusader Corner: In Ohio A Machete-wielding muslim injures multiple patrons at restaurant owned by pro-Israel Arab Christian
More unreported news about muslim violence against Christians and Jews here in the United States. Stay Alert out there folks! -SF The owner is an “outspoken Christian” from Israel. “Inside the restaurant, guests are greeted by…a small Israeli flag.” Yet “Columbus police Sgt. Rich Weiner said ‘right now there’s nothing that leads us to believe…
The Muslim Invasion: Fox Orders Pilot of muslim “Sitcom”
I suppose it was inevitable for a “muslim Cosby Show” to make its way to American TV, after all, muslims and Bill Cosby have a lot in common: They both like to degrade and rape women.-SF I bet you all Look Forward to seeing this on your TV during prime time, I know I do….
Crusader Corner: Boko Haram Female Suicide Bomber Kills 58 in Nigerian “Safe Haven”
A camp that was supposed to be a shelter from terrorism and violence instead became an instant death zone for dozens in Nigeria this week. At least 58 people were killed and another 78 injured when two female bombers detonated their suicide vests, according to emergency relief officials. The victims were in a camp…
The Islam Invasion: Lib-Tard Media’s Shady Propaganda Exposed
Liberals and Jihadist… why is it you always find the two together? This article underscores this point very well… Pay very close attention to how the lib-tard” muslim friendly” media outlets try to twist things; the Propaganda war never stops folks, Stay on your Toes! -SF NBC makes a point of identifying killer of Robert…
Crusader Corner: The Inside Terror Threat
Bottom Line Up Front: • The February 2, 2016 suicide bombing onboard a Daallo Airlines flight from Mogadishu to Djibouti appears to have been an inside job • An employee is also suspected to be responsible for the October 31, 2015 bombing of a Russian MetroJet flight from Sharm al-Sheikh, Egypt to St. Petersburg • The threat…
Crusader Corner: FBI Unable to Crack San Bernardino Killers Cell Phone
Wow. Mind Boggling. One of the biggest, bloated bureaucracies on the planet and we cannot crack a damn cell phone? I mean consider the resources at hand: we have the monstrosity that is the DHS, the NSA, CIA, DIA and still no dice on a cell phone? Something tells me the FBI is back to…
Crusader Corner: HAMAS calls for Mass Murder of Civilians on Buses
You think your life is hard? Try living in Israel right now. You can’t go to the Store or Post Office without some POS “Palestinian” trying to stab you. See, this is one of those times when those people who just “hate guns” and “Gun Violence” are Really Thankful for People who have made the…
Dose of Truth: Let’s be CLEAR on what BHO Actually Said at the Baltimore Mosque
If you seek to understand Barack Obama and his views, the best place to go is his speeches. But you have to read them in their entirety, not rely on hearing them or on the media’s summary of them. When you do, you come to realize how often what Obama says is morally and intellectually…