SOUTH AFRICA FARM ATTACKS IN SEPTEMBER: At Least 14 Attacks, 2 Murders, With Few Details Published The Latest Report from SouthAfricaToday for October 2023 (Please bookmark this site as it is the best source for South African REAL news) 14 Farm attacks, 2 farm murders in South Africa, September 2023
Category: Anti-Immigrant Policies
FUSA Bulletin: Economic Warfare 101
Illegal Immigration’s Terrifying Cost Something most folks overlook with illegal immigration and the Great Replacement is the financial end game, which is, surprise, surprise, complete and total destruction of what is left of the “United States.” The globalist intend to BANKRUPT FUSA so they can start fresh. If you need more proof of this,…
The End Result of Open Borders and Multiculturalism is always Dead White People
France is deploying 7,000 troops after a deadly school stabbing by a suspected Islamic radical Don’t get distracted with this Israeli shit show. Regardless of what they call themselves, ISIS, hamas, hezbollah. These dirty inbred muzzahs are just another tool of the globalist agenda to destroy Christianity and achieve White genocide. …
RKBA 101: Subsidize the Invader and Disarm the White Man
The Great Replacement in Real Time: Lampedusa
Literal Camp-of-the-Saints Illegal-Alien Invasion Swamps Italian Isle What Jean Raspail described in Camp of the Saints is happening now to Lampedusa. Literally. While VDARE often describes the Great Replacement invasion of illegal aliens at our southwest border as a Camp-of-the-Saints deluge because of the numbers, the description is a metaphor. But the besieged Italians who live on Lampedusa face the real thing….
FUSA Bulletin: The Epitome of Anarcho-Tyranny
Migrant arrested 6 times for 14 crimes in first two months in NYC This Govt. Subsidized Invasion is about OVERLOADING and BREAKING the SYSTEM by using assholes like this on an exponential scale. *Anarcho-tyranny is a concept, where the state is argued to be more interested in controlling citizens so that they do not oppose…
The Daily Reality of Invasion is Rape and Murder
H/T Wynn HORROR: Texas Girl, 11, Found Raped and Murdered Under Her Bed Was Killed by Illegal Alien Consider this Fact: The Plethora of Violent Crimes that Illegals REPEATEDLY Commit every day in this country: Rape, Murder, Child Molestation, Home Invasions, Carjackings, etc. are 100% Preventable and yet they are Subsidized Wholesale…
Gimme That Old Time Climatard One World Religion
Meet M. Kaleo Manuel, the official who refused to release “sacred” water in Maui, contributing to up to 106 deaths… What do you get when you combine elements of Universalism, Globo-Homo, Doom and Gloom Climatard rhetoric and so-called “Indigenous Diversity?” You get the ass backward mess we are seeing right now in Hawaii, New…
China’s Saboteurs Are Coming to America
China’s Saboteurs Are Coming to America The sooner you understand that this is a subsidized invasion of the United States being financed by ZOG Globalist to hasten the Great Replacement Agenda of 2030 and NOT some Illegal Immigration fiasco the MSM portrays it as the sooner you will be able to function as a…
White Supremacist Terrorist Caught Red (or Black?) Handed
One of Those White Supremacist Terrorists Whom Joe Biden Is Always Warning Us About Has Been Caught Question of the Day: If these 3rd World imported Dindu’s with names that resemble ingredients in household cleaning products are going to burn down their own pagan temples, should we really be inclined to stop them? Maybe we…