CHAOS: Screaming “Allahu Akbar!” Pro-Terror, Genocidal Rioters Storm White House Fence, Try To Tear it Down, Attack Secret Service, Statues Desecrated in DC
As I have said before, I could give two warm shits about Israel or Palestine.
Jews and Muslims have been killing each other for centuries over that real estate and it’s not going to stop anytime soon.
But let me humbly suggest something to the good folks out there who, like me still place self-preservation for their homesteads and families above geo-politics:
Instead of wasting your time ranting for one side or the other with strangers on the internet, take a moment to grasp the bigger picture.
All these fanatical “Pro-Palestinian” muslims that have been stirred up like a nest of wet hornets are being joined by the likes of BLM and ANTIFA.
In turn these groups are Coordinating these “Protest” with fairly decent tactical precision.
Combine all of this with the 7 million plus+ illegals that have streamed across our Southern and Northern borders unchecked and what do you get?
A ready made Great Replacement Grunt Army that has one mission: Destruction and Death to what remains of FUSA and the white Christians that populate it.
And for those of you out there that still cling to the false hope that the Police are going to Save You from this calamity, consider this:
The linked article states that not ONE ARREST was made during this entire goat rodeo in D.C., NOT ONE!
Even after statues and war memorials were desecrated, the White House vandalized with red paint, Secret Service personnel assaulted and the White House fence SHAKEN! My God, the Horror!
Also note that this violent mob are euphemistically labeled “Palestinian activist” and “Peaceful protesters” by the media!
Now I want you to compare all of this to January 6th where the damage done paled in comparison to any of this and the mostly white protesters that were arrested were labeled “MAGA radicals” “domestic terrorist” and “violent extremist” by the same media.
What does all of this mean?
Well as Lt. Lockhart so eloquently put it in Full Metal Jacket:
Stay Armed, Train and Prepare Accordingly!