Biden in 2021 stated White Supremacy is the biggest domestic terror threat in America. Fast forward to an article published yesterday in Salon and all Christian conservatives who voted for Trump are now a bigger threat than Hamas?
Now anybody with any common sense knows both of these statements are utter BS, but that doesn’t matter to Communist. Their mentality on propaganda is very simple: Repeat a lie often enough and with enough passion, and people will start to believe it eventually.
Face it, if you’re a white conservative Christian man in FUSA today you have both a bullseye on your back and an endangered species tag in your pocket!
The thing about this article is even if you don’t consider yourself ‘MAGA’ or a Christian Nationalist, which according to the author’s definition is any Christian who votes by the way, it’s clear that CHRISTIANS as a whole are hated and feared, which I suppose should come as no surprise for those of you that know your Bible!
The bottom line here folks is the agenda of the left remains the same: To distract sheeple from the truth, which is this: Our country is being invaded and our Government is subsidizing every part of it. Military age males from China and the Middle East (many of whom are on terror watch list) pour across every day, with current estimates somewhere around 7 million.
But according to the Govt. and their Pravda media mouthpieces, don’t worry about the invaders, no what you need to worry about is stamping out islamophobia and those pesky White Conservative Christians who want to overthrow the Government and make everybody convert! 😂
It’s ludicrous, but that is the nature of things now: Clown World,
Prepare Accordingly, Stay Armed and Keep the Faith!