While Most “Liberal” Date Rape Prevention (and even Crime Prevention) methods could be termed “Impractical” and “Would not work in a Million Years”, every once in a while you hear about a “non-firearm solution” or “detection” anti-rape product that is simply genius, especially when you consider the company merged FASHION and RAPE PREVENTION…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Learning from Insurgent Tactics: The “Hide n’ Glide”
Since the War in Afghanistan and Iraq began, we have seen a multitude of different “insurgent” tactics come to light, the most notable (and deadly) ones being the use of the IED and VBIED (Vehicle Born IED’s) in ambushes, booby-traps and suicide attacks. But as far as actual ground tactics the enemy uses, there…
Virtual Kidnapping: Taking the Phone Scam up a Notch–virtual-kidnapping–scams-now-targeting-doctors.html Phone scams are nothing new; they have been around about as long as the phone has been in existence. But criminals are an adaptive species of virus; constantly looking for new ways to exploit human frailties. In the savage and violent world in which we now live, FEAR can spread like a cancer, especially…
Beware: Firearm Ignorance Abounds
You know I have always heard the statistic that typically half the people you meet are of below average INTELLIGENCE, for a while I was somewhat skeptical of that stat, Now I am a TRUE BELIEVER. When you get confused in the Marines, you sung the happy song. 🙂 [youtube=] Gunny always explained things…
Gear Review: Cold Steel Voyager Tanto (Large) Folding Knife
The Knife I am reviewing today is a Cold Steel Voyager Tanto Large, Plain Blade. I specify Large, because this knife has a big brother in the XL Tanto,(a beast with a 5 1/2″ blade) just so you don’t get confused. I have been meaning to buy and review Cold Steel’s Voyager series for…
Support US Marine Mario Alejandro!
For those who do not think BAD LEADERSHIP in Washington does not roll down hill and effectively corrode American values, I give you the recent story of US Marine Mario Alejandro, who was recently denied entry to Six Flags in New Jersey until he changed his Patriotic T-Shirt. To me, this is not only…
CO Combatives: The Side Choke
There has been quite a lot of flak in the news lately about the use of illegal police chokes since the death of a New Yorker Eric Garner who died while being arrested in July. It was later found in the autopsy that Garner’s CAUSE OF DEATH was from the choke hold and “overt compression on…
The “Practical not Tactical” CO Sniper Rifle
In a previous article entitled “The 5 Gun Theory“ I expounded on the logic of the CO owning at least 5 types of firearms in order to be adequately prepared to survive and defend himself adequately. One of those guns was a .30 Caliber scoped bolt-action or semi-auto rifle to be used for hunting and sniper…
When Self-Defense can equal 2nd Degree Murder
One of the most neglected and under-stated subjects regarding Civilian Operator training is the legal aspect of self-defense. It not only behooves the CO to be well versed in their particular states Self-Defense laws and statutes, but also to be aware of HOW Self-Defense trials are conducted, and often how POLITICS and other un-related…
The Real Pandemic Threat: FEAR
One of the more memorable and scariest times in my life was when we use to train for chemical or biological attacks while in the military. I can still remember those drills “GAS!! GAS!! GAS!!” one our Sgt.’s would yell (typically at 2am in the morning while in the middle of a REALLY nice dream)….