Hmmm…I guess the lamestream news airwaves were too jammed packed talking about the taking down of the Confederate Flag to talk about another Racially motivated Hate Crime..oh wait, thats not it, it is because the Victim was WHITE, right? Or could it be because this incident if talked about on the lib-tard media would go a long way in in discrediting the current popular racial agenda being pushed by those in Washington D.C. that states:
People of color are “under attack” by whites, therefore, the revision and destruction of our Southern Cultural History is a legitimate cause.
Well, I hate to break it to all you “white guilt” and black liberals out there but this narrative you have been spouting and thinking is gospel is a LIE; Black on White Crime is rampant in this country and yet again you have let your worthless leader, BTO fool you…..see news article below for proof.
Or I guess, we could take a neutral position in all this and say the “powers that be” are just trying to stir up a race war so martial law can be enacted and then the real Totalitarian regime fun can begin…either way, it proves that the current agenda being pushed is total and complete PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT, so everybody hold your nose, hike up your pants and put on your boots, because it is gonna get deeper I assure you!
The False Narrative: Democratic Political Operative Slashed To Death By Black Assailant on Washington Metro
By Hunter WallaceHere’s an example of the bullshit that Kevin Sutherland was spouting on his Facebook page on June 18 about Dylann Roof’s shooting spree in Charleston:
Did you hear that? According to Kevin Sutherland, the American flag represents a “more perfect Union,” and it was institutionalized racism that “cultivated” Dylann Roof. Sutherland was obviously a progressive who bought into the SPLC’s notion that the C of CC has spread a “false narrative of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States.”
Two weeks later, Kevin Sutherland was probably in a festive mood when he fatefully boarded the Washington Metro on July 4th in his beloved Washington, DC, along with one of those “allegedly violent people of color,” Jasper Spires.
Read the Remainder at OccidentalDissent
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