I finally was able to get around to reading my friend CR Williams 3rd Volume of his Series Gunfighting and Other Thoughts about Doing Violence: The Counter-Offensive Rifle.
CR has Two other books in this series, Gunfighting and Other Thoughts about Doing Violence Vols. 1 and 2; they can also be bought at Amazon HERE.
He also has written a book on Facing the Active Shooter.
I will be honest with you. I am not good at Book reviews. It may be because I primarily like to do 2 things with my spare time: Read and Write. I love to read about things that interest me and consequently, I love to write about things that interest me. I DO NOT however like to write about things I have read that have interested me for the purpose of convincing you to read a certain book because after all, if the review is too comprehensive, that negates the entire reason for YOU to read the book in the first place! (make sense?)
But, seeing how CR was good enough to send me his books, I will do a quick “HCS Style” review for him (and you) on the condition you guys do one thing: BUY THE BOOKS! CR went to a lot of time and trouble to put this knowledge down on paper. And while you are at it, pitch me a few dollars too via the paypal link to the right. I run this blog out of the good will of my heart (and my own dime) for the same reason CR writes his books: To equip the common man with the knowledge he needs to survive another day the dangerous world in which we find ourselves.
I have said before on this blog that I think there is WAY to much training emphasis currently on the handgun in the civilian world versus the rifle. There are many practical reasons for this, namely the popularity of Concealed Carry, but the bottom line is people need to wake up and realize as CR points out early in his book that a “Handgun is to defend, a Rifle is to Dominate.”
On a side note: Becoming a nation of Rifleman AGAIN is something I personally take very seriously. That is why I participate in Project Appleseed and you should too.
OK, so CR’s book is different from most training books, and to be honest, it is a refreshing approach. Having been around the training circus for some time, I can tell you there is no shortage of self-promoting, egotistical , greedy, know-it all’s out there combined with a fair mix of pure idiots.
CR’s and CR’s book are not ANY of those things. I think the best way I can say this is CR is not a DOGMATIC trainer. He does not come into a skill set saying “This is how we are gonna handle this”, instead, he approaches it from a very down-to-earth, practical angle and let’s you basically make up your mind by showing you the evidence.
Another clue that CR is on the right track is his continued emphasis of Mentality. How YOU, the Warrior in Training, see’s him or her self.
Now I know some think this is a bunch of “touchy-feely” stuff, but you would be wrong. What he is talking about here INFLUENCES how you TRAIN and consequently, how you will REACT in COMBAT. So many people delude themselves by thinking they will react “this way” or “that way”. TRUST ME on this: You will react how you have trained, pure and simple, IF you have trained enough that is. And if your training is delusional, fantasy bullshit, you will most likely die very badly and very quickly.
So moving on, CR covers a variety of topics important to Fighting with the Rifle: Conditioning, Vehicles, CQB, Support Positions, Blocking Movements, etc. With all topics covered quite equally, with the exception of one: Movement. CR gives this topic extra consideration, and for good reason: IT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILLS IN GUNFIGHTING. CR goes over all the good stuff in relation to movement like knowing how to shoot on the move and knowing how to exploit cover, (even if there seems to be none).
OK guys, I am over 700 words in and I think that is enough.
As I said before, Rifle Training IS one of the MOST important skill-sets for the Civilian Operator, hands down. So Do yourself a big favor, leave my blog, go to Amazon, Download or buy CR’s book and get to work…
You can also reach CR for training at: In Shadow, In Light
He also has a WordPress Blog HERE
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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