In a book I just recently finished entitled 13 Hours in Benghazi, (which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND) on pp. 207-210 one of the GRS Security Operators talks about how when the initial attack started on the CIA Annex from the various armed militia groups, it started very casually, first a car pulls up across the street, then…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Lawful Purpose & Self Defense Act, HR2710
Posted on June 11, 2015 NSSF Supports Rep. Bishop’s ‘Lawful Purpose and Self Defense Act,’ H.R. 2710 Lack of a clear definition of what “sporting purposes” and “sporting use” mean has allowed, for example, the Obama Administration to try to circumvent Congress and attempt to ban a popular type of ammunition for modern sporting rifles….
ISIS Publishes Manual on ‘How to Survive in the West’
Well it appears our enemy has been emboldened enough to publish a “How To” manual on Killing Americans. This is nothing new, just like during the 70’s when we were fighting the scourge of the far-left wingers and the practitioners of Political Domestic Terrorism like The Weather Underground and the RAF put out their manuals,…
NJ Woman Murdered by Ex waiting for Gun Permit
Just another SAD story of how MORE Restrictive Gun Regulation equals more DEAD Honest People..Simple enough for you all you bureaucratic liberal pukes!? Posted on June 9, 2015 By Rob Morse Slow Facts California – -( Carol Bowne died defenseless. She had been threatened by her ex boyfriend. Her ex-boyfriend killed her. She did what…
December 1942 (2)
Intel Overwatch News Synopsis: 6/8/15
by Bill Powell wee bit paranoid – just a cloud, not the nuclear kind intelligence services were certain that the Duke of Windsor was a Nazi sympathiser when war broke out, and reported in 1940 that he and Hitler had discussed forming a new English government, and striking an alliance with Germany based on having…
Movement in Combat and the Historical Imperative
I don’t know about you, but my jaw hit the floor watching this guy. I think part of the reason for my amazement was he literally, in the span of about 5 minutes, through historical fact and obvious demonstration of SKILL, broke every stereo-typical ideal I had about archers in combat. Think back to…
Hybrid War: Old Concept, New Techniques
Hybrid War: Old Concept, New Techniques.
PT boats against the Tokyo Express
A Newsreel Cameraman’s View of D-Day
Awesome story!