Posted on June 15, 2015 By Major Van Harl USAF Ret What If You Could Legally Only Own One Firearm? Major Van Harl USAF Ret Wisconsin –-( “Beware of the man who owns but one gun–for he can shoot it” an old adage implying that a person who is only able to possess one firearm…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Colt: The End of a Legend
Why Cops and Soldiers Fell Out of Love with Colt Guns BY DAVID FRANCIS JUNE 15, 2015 – 1:51 PM DAVID.FRANCIS @DAVIDCFRANCIS Colt guns may have won the West. But they aren’t sufficient for winning modern wars, and now the iconic American weapons maker, which has been making arms since the 19th Century, has filed…
Learning from Insurgent Tactics: The Vehicle as a Weapon
The attack on Dallas PD this past Saturday by a man in an armored van represents a variation on a tactic that has not been seen since the DC Sniper Murders in 2002, where a man and his young accomplice, using a Chevy Caprice sedan and turning the trunk into a “mobile” sniper hide,…
Shot Placement in Combat Shooting
From those crazy dudes at Not sure of their share rules, so as not to piss in anybodys cheerios, I just posted a link. This is one of the best articles I have read in a long time on the reality of COMBAT Shooting. Stay Alert, Stay Armed, Stay Real and Stay Dangerous!
So, How is your Active Shooter Training?
First the Attack on Dallas PD, now this. Active Shooters are getting to be as common a crime as muggings. Be Prepared. 1 dead in shooting at popular Iowa mall, suspect in custody Published June 13, 2015 Facebook73 Twitter173 livefyre88 Email Print June 12, 2015: Shoppers and employees wait outside the Coral Ridge Mall…
Video of Armored Van in Shootout with Dallas PD
Update from LiveLeak: Video starts immediately after the first shots were fired. SKIP TO 1:50 FOR THE FIRST OFFICERS TO ARRIVE. First officers on the scene believed the shooting happened inside the building. An officer at 2:15 moves in to check the van, sees a gunman inside, and immediately starts running away. Gunshots from…
Dallas PD Attacked
Updates: Explosives found outside Dallas police HQ WFAA Staff, WFAA6:57 a.m. CDT June 13, 2015 (Photo: WFAA) CONNECT 436TWEET 9LINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE DALLAS — Dallas police were in a standoff early Saturday morning after suspects in an armored van opened fire on the department’s headquarters before leading officers on a chase to Hutchins, about 10 miles southeast….
I second that motion…let em’ fly!!
An Awesome Morale Patch….
Order yours Today at Spartan Village Stay Armed, Stay Politically Incorrect and Stay Dangerous!
White family beaten, shot with Taser by black mob
Racial Violence being spurred on by a Socialist Govt who intends to divide and conquer…yeah its happening folks.