This is third installment of Drones and the CO. If you missed them or just want to review, here are the FIRST and SECOND installments.
There is no doubt that the U.S. is fast becoming a “Surveillance State” similar to the ‘Islamic Bastion of Great Britain’, where there is currently one CCTV camera for every 11 citizens. Drones play into this orwellian ratio also, being used by Law Enforcement agencies nationwide to conduct “surveillance” on “suspected” criminals. As I have reported before, the martial civilian is fighting fire with fire in this regard and is fielding their own fleet of Guerilla drones. The civilian drone situation has gotten so bad in fact, that lawmakers in Washington, like the lib-tard Senator Chuck Schumer, has drafted up a proposed “Drone Geofencing” amendment. In a nutshell, the amendment proposes Drone manufacturers install safeguards in the drone’ software to keep it away from sensitive areas like airports, airliners and emergency response crews (like the ones currently fighting the wildfires out west).
But like all things that are designed to try and CONTAIN things or people, there is always something else designed to help it break free. DEF-CON hackers at the most recent conference in Las Vegas showed how these “Geofences” could be easily manipulated using things like a DIY GPS Spoofer. This method interestingly enough was used against the United States by Iran when an American RQ-170 Sentinel Drone was spoofed and forced to land within Iranian borders in 2011. Contrary to popular belief, it is no state secret how Iran managed to do this; they simply did an open sourced Google Search! I would be remissed if I did not mention that GPS spoofing is highly illegal, so proceed at your own risk.
But if spoofing drones isn’t your thing, there is always hiding from them.
Recently I posted an article on building a DIY “Counter UAV” Thermal Evasion Suit and from the number of responses I got, this is a subject you guys are fairly interested in. So after a little more digging and research, I found some other interesting options when it comes to Counter-UAV Camo.
Stealth-Wear by artist Adam Harvey offers the CO some fashionably acceptable alternatives than a conspicuous Counter UAV Ghille suit; Stealth Wear is more suited for those late night “urban” operations when you don’t wanna look like a wanna-be GI Joe. Harvey also has your electronic comms covered by creating an ultra-light and portable Faraday Cage for your phone. The OFF Pocket is a no-brainer piece of EW kit for the discerning 21st century Civilian Operator. Lastly, Harvey has designed a piece of kit to help defeat facial recognition software so commonly used in CCTV urban monitoring (Mainly used in Great Britain and Europe). CV Dazzle was originally designed to help defeat paparazzi snapping illegal photos, but has recently been adopted by many CO’s in Europe who prefer to have their privacy INTACT and secure wherever they go.
There is no doubt in my mind, the civilian Drone market is going to explode bigger than ever soon. And just as there will be a large contingent of CO’s looking to get into Drones, there will be even a larger contingent of privacy conscious CO’s looking to DEFEAT them. One of the companies that is a fore runner in the “Counter UAV” market is Drone Shield. Currently, the company offers Drone Detection that is state-of-the-art; involving omni-directional sensors and a multi-faceted interface that can work with your I-Phone, tablet or Laptop. Where they are lacking currently is in a way to STOP drones,(ie a signal jamming system) which currently, as we have discussed, is highly illegal by the FCC. They do offer a “Drone Net” gun however. (insert sarcastic and funny comment here).
Finally, at the end of the day, when you have exhausted all avenues and you just have to stop that pesky drone from buzzing your property and privacy, Snake River Shooting Products with their Drone Munition Line offers you just the ammunition you need. Yes, folks, we are talking shotguns and using the drones as the skeet. Pull!! These 3″ 12 Gauge Shotgun shells pack a whallop and as an added bonus when all the drones have been blasted out of the sky, you can also hunt geese, ducks or turkeys with them too, how very convenient!
Stay Smart out there guys, and as always, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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