IFAK’s are here and available, you guys are going to really like these. No Hemostatic gauze to keep in affordable. No extra shit you don’t need, and all the basics. These fit in quite a few pouches that I’ve tried to put them into, I’ll do a video tomorrow all about it. Cost is $80… IFAK’s…
Is your Blow-Out Kit Stocked and Ready?
Just a FYI for those who do not understand the lingo: A Blow-Out Kit is not for the tires on your Truck nor is it a “boo-boo” kit with band-aids and neosporin. BOK’s are Trauma Kits for serious life saving applications such as gunshot and knife wounds and staunching major arterial bleeding. I typically keep…
Practical/Tactical Medicine: Understanding Blood Types
Quick question: Do you know your blood type? How about your spouse and your kids blood type? Do you know if you could donate blood to them if it was an emergency? Knowing how to stop traumatic bleeding along with understanding blood types and donor compatibility is one of the most important medical skill sets…
Civilian Operator 101: Trauma Care in Active Shooter Scenarios
By Hammerhead I highly suggest you guys routinely visit sites like The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery for applicable medical/trauma care articles like this one. I first found out about this site Through Greg Ellifritz’ Active Response Training Weekend Knowledge Dump, which I highly suggest you guys peruse each Friday. The acronym T.H.R.E.A.T…
Do you Mothball your Medical Training?
Often Medical training is one of the most overlooked areas in the Civilian Operator’s toolbox…it is more than having a boo boo bag or that tacti-cool Trauma Pack, as in all things, it comes down to KNOWING. KNOWLEDGE combined with QUICK RESPONSE can save lives. Personalizing your kit and training to your specific household’s…
Where are you PTK??
(By Contributing Author Mark Edwards) A few days before the tragic Batman Movie Massacre in Colorado, I found myself without my Pocket Trauma Kit (PTK). In my daily travels, I find my brain dwelling on tasks at hand, and then at stop lights, sometimes wondering what I forgot to bring along. On a recent Thursday, it was my PTK. Some background might be in order. A few years…