Master Plan: The Technocratic Blueprint
We have been warned by several experts about the collapse of reality at the hands of Technocrats. This article shows Technocracy as the only “system of control that makes such reality engineering possible on a global scale.” Technocrats have been building this system since the 1930s when they first defined Technocracy as “the Science of Social Engineering.” ⁃ Patrick Wood. Editor.
“Humanity will attempt to overcome its limitations and arrive at fuller fruition,” declared Julian Huxley in 1957, coining the term “transhumanism.” By 2022, Yuval Noah Harari would announce its dark fulfillment: “Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea of free will… that’s over. Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale. Everything is being digitized, everything is being monitored. In this time of crisis, you have to follow science. It’s often said you should never allow a good crisis to go to waste, because a crisis is an opportunity to also do ‘good’ reforms that in normal times people would never agree to. But in a crisis, you have no chance, so you better do what we – the people who understand – tell you to do.”
Like Truman Burbank in ‘The Truman Show,’ we inhabit a world where reality itself is increasingly engineered. And like Truman, most remain unaware of the extent of this engineering until shown the patterns. But unlike Truman’s physical dome with its obvious cameras and artificial sets, our manufactured environment operates through sophisticated technological systems and invisible digital constraints. The mechanics of this reality engineering – from media manipulation to social programming – were explored in detail in our previous analysis. Now we turn to the driving force behind this manufactured world: technocracy, the system of control that makes such reality engineering possible on a global scale.
The technocratic architecture wasn’t merely passed down through institutions – it flowed through bloodlines. At the heart of this dynastic web sits Thomas Henry Huxley, known as “Darwin’s Bulldog,” who helped establish scientific materialism as the new religion while serving on the influential Rhodes Round Table. His son Leonard carried this torch forward, while grandsons Aldous and Julian became key architects of the modern world order. These weren’t random connections but rather the careful cultivation of multi-generational power networks.
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