Becoming Invisible in Woodland Areas: The Story of Christopher Knight Discover the extraordinary tale of Christopher Knight, the ‘Ghost of North Pond,’ who lived undetected in the Maine wilderness for 27 years. In an era dominated by advanced technology, the notion of living undetected in the woods for an extended period seems implausible….
Tag: Self-Sufficiency
100 Days Out
100 Days Out I don’t recommend a lot of “Preparedness” Blogs, but I will recommend this one. These are all good, practical pieces of advice, but this one bears repeating: Don’t fall into the “my candidate won so I can stop prepping” trap. I saw this in 2016 and again in 2020. Many Trump supporters…
Did You Notice?
Via: Evil White Guy My wife and her mother were watching the news last night when video of the assassination attempt on Trump came on. I had just walked into the house and saw it myself. I asked if she noticed the reaction of the crowd, especially directly behind Trump. Did you…
Starvation Incoming
H/T Evil White Guy Map Shows All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Biden So now what? DO NOT DESPAIR! PREPARE!
An Inspiring Herbalist
(Hermit Note: The Kensho Homestead is one of the most organic and informative Homesteading/Self-Sufficiency Blogs out there. Subscribe Today!) An Inspiring Herbalist I’ve been working bit by bit on the Herbal Explorations pages and hope to add several more medicinal plants very soon—including the lovely Mimosa tree and the very popular Chasteberry—both which grow wonderfully…
What Self-Sufficiency Looks Like
Homestead Happenings (Hermit Note: I must admit I am kind of biased to these good folks as they are fellow Texans, but whether you are a seasoned homesteader/prepper or a green newbie looking for advice and ideals, this blog is a great place to start.) Read the Entire Post…
Prepper’s Reference Library
Here are a couple Kindle Books currently being offered for FREE. These are time sensitive offers, so make sure the price is $0.00 before you buy and download! The Prepper’s Water Survival Bible: Your Essential Guide to Safe Water. Prepare for Any Crisis with Secrets of Water Filtration, Purification, and Storage The…
The Days That Communities Fought Back Against Evil
The Days That Communities Fought Back Against Evil There’s no shortage of stories about crime and criminals on the nightly news, these days. It seems we’re currently trapped in a cycle of violent criminal activity, with the bad guys holding communities all over our nation, hostage. We’ve seen this problem before in America, especially…