Prescription Drug Preparedness
I am a registered pharmacist licensed in both an American Redoubt state and a state in the Ozarks. I own my pharmacy in a small town in a rural area. I have had many discussions with patients about larger than normal supplies, rotating stock, ‘vacation supplies’ and various ways to accumulate a stockpile of prescription medicines. The content in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional medical advice.
Having your personal pharmacist on board with your prepping list of medications, is probably the cheapest way to accumulate a stockpile. I have compared prices at JASE Medical and HoneyBee Pharmacy which both have been mentioned in previous SurvivalBlog articles on stocking up, and both charge more than I would. Your options are limited if your doctor or your pharmacist won’t cooperate. These online firms do give you a choice. If just your doctor won’t cooperate, then check the tele-health doctors via the Internet in your state. After Covid-19 many of these tele-health doctors are still available to consult with and send prescriptions to your pharmacy. I would ask for a year supply, especially on the cheaper generics that you are taking regularly, see if they can be dispensed in the original unopened bottle with the expiration date showing.
Your goals and future dictate what to stock. If you are a health-care professional teaming up with other health-care professionals to provide a mini-clinic after the ‘crunch’, your goals will be different than a family of 4 just trying to secure the basics. In a previous article the author mentions the book “Wilderness Medicine” by Dr. William Forgey but did not elaborate on his suggestions for Over-The-Counter (OTC) and prescription (Rx) medicines to have available.
RTWT @ Survival Blog