Via: The Tactical Wire Situational Pistolcraft sit·u·a·tion – siCHəˈwāSHən.: a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs. The location and surroundings of a place. Drawing, shooting and reloading fast are nice skills to have, but I feel it is safe to say they seldom win fights. Having them does…
Tag: Combative Shooting
The Three “S” Test for Training
The “Three S” Test There is a shit load of FANTASY firearms and tactics training out there. Apply the Three S “Sniff Test” to seperate the Bullshit: Is it SIMPLE? Does it make SENSE? Is it STREET PROVEN? If the training does not meet these three criteria, DUMP IT, and find something that does….
The Reality of Extreme Close Contact Shooting
From the Archives, 2016 When you are talking about Close Quarters Shooting, there are always varying degrees of “close.” We have all heard the terms “Reach out and touch someone close”, “Bad Breath Distance close” (Listerine Close) but this video shows a whole different kind of close: EXTREME CLOSE CONTACT CLOSE, which is basically around…
Fighting or Shooting?
Fighting or Shooting? Dave Spaulding lays it down about what it means to be WILLING in a FIGHT. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Armed Citizen Corner Video: The Reality of Extreme Close Contact Shooting
When you are talking about Close Quarters Shooting, there are always varying degrees of close. We have all heard the terms “Reach out and touch someone close”, “Bad Breath Distance close”, but this video shows a whole different kind of close: EXTREME CLOSE CONTACT CLOSE, which is basically around a foot (12 inches) or less. This…
Armed Citizen Corner Video: Off-Duty Cop ECQ Shooting
Several Things to Highlight Here: Extreme Close Quarters Shootings (Bad Breath Distance Encounters) are more frequent than most civilians or even Law Enforcement train for. Make it a point to make this part of your training every time you hit the range. A Smooth Presentation of the weapon enabled the officer to put rounds on…
Drilling for the Changing Times
From the Archives, 2013 The armed civilian, like the LEO, needs to evaluate his Course of Fire and Firearm Drills frequently to make sure they stay current with the times. The best example of this is the increased use of Body Armor by thugs. Looking at history, one could expect your “higher…