Via: The Tactical Wire
Situational Pistolcraft
sit·u·a·tion – siCHəˈwāSHən.: a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs. The location and surroundings of a place.
Drawing, shooting and reloading fast are nice skills to have, but I feel it is safe to say they seldom win fights. Having them does offer confidence that helps overcome fear, but they are not the biggest factor in achieving victory. What wins the fight is the ability to recognize what is actually transpiring and quickly adapt to the rapidly changing situation. “Situation” is the operative word here as the dynamics of any fight can change quickly. The combatant that can adapt the quickest, the one that can bring their skills to the forefront in the order needed, will prevail. Speed of recognition is what we should be working on.
Being “adaptive” is the “ABILITY to change as necessary.” Being adaptive is what wins gunfights.
RTWT @ The Tactical Wire
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