This is something I have known for some time, but it is good to see a Sheriff finally saying it. Maybe this will prompt some of the “Dunkin Donut share holders” in Police and Sheriff Depts. across the nation to sell off their shares and hit the range more than once a year. -SF New…
Tag: CCL
John Farnam Quips Compilation
I decided to post a few of John Farnams recent February Quips for your reading pleasure. As Always you can find Mr. Farnam at Defense Training International. When are you ever “off duty?” by John Farnam | 20 Feb 2016 20 Feb 16 “Off” Duty? A man with a dual (USA/Israeli) citizenship was…
The Armed Citizens Duty to Train
“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” Luke 12:48 There has been a lot of debate as of late about “Constitutional Carry” and how it is the solution nationwide for both returning this country to it’s TRUE Constitutional rights as far as the 2nd Amendment is concerned and solving…
The Garland Attack: Re-Evaluating the CO’s Training Focus
The CO must constantly re-evaluate his training to see that it is RELEVANT and REALISTIC to the current threat. Right now, the most pressing CURRENT threat to the Civilian Operator is without a doubt, MULTIPLE ACTIVE SHOOTERS as was seen in Garland, TX this past Sunday. First of all, before I get too deep into this subject,…
Dealing with Stalkers
When a student signs up with me for training, before they ever set foot on the range, I like to do what I call a “Why” Interview. Without prying, I try to get to the “real” reason why they are there. Often, I can tell by the first sentence or the expression on their face…
Is Open Carry all it is Cracked up to Be?
With the recent Sidearm Open Carry bills proposed in the Texas Legislature (HB 700 and HB 1194), I wanted to take some time and dig into this subject from the point of view of the CO. First, let’s talk about the legal side, I know this can be about as interesting as watching flies fornicate,…
The CCL “Vigilante Temptation”
Lesson of Colorado: Ignore Victim Disarmament Zones and pack concealed anyway. From Mike Vanderboegh (with permission), sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot Friday, July 20, 2012 You know, my daughters go to the movies. What if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater, as so many of our kids do every day? — Barack Obama reacting to the “Colorado Movie Massacre.”…
I have been writing articles on Active Shooter scenarios since this blog began. I have made it my mission to equip the average civilian with the tools and information needed to defeat these animals. My Civilian Operator course has specific modules so every day people can counter acts like these. In saying all that, when…
Scanning and the Third Eye
It came to my attention during a recent series of drills that there are certain things MOST gun schools teach people that are regarded as necessary and prudent, but in reality are just uneccessary movement. We should always seek in our training to do MORE with LESS, to trim off any movement or action that is…
The Holster Debate
Ahhhh..the old debate; Leather vs. Kydex for a gun holster. It is much akin to 9mm vs. .45 or AR vs AK debates of old. You have loyal disciples on both sides who are quick to tell you how they feel. As with all subjects, we here at HCS like to give you the facts and let…