Though I am tucked away down here in Texas, I have relatives and close friends on the east coast that are in the path of this storm. Though I preach preparedness and thinking ahead constantly, I hope all you guys have taken steps to get ready for this thing………. If not, here are some…
The Burris Fastfire Protector Mount
I have been running a Burris Fast Fire on my working AK for a while now and I to date, I am very happy with it. The only worry I have had is since it is an open and not enclosed red dot, the chance of damaging it go up. My last Fast-Fire took a…
Practice Makes Permanent
From the Archives, 2015 I first heard this from a Military Drill Instructor while on the firing line a long time ago and it stuck with me. I apply it to just about every area of my life now, but especially FIREARMS TRAINING HABITS. To me, it is the essence of WHY we should…
Drilling for the Changing Times
From the Archives, 2013 The armed civilian, like the LEO, needs to evaluate his Course of Fire and Firearm Drills frequently to make sure they stay current with the times. The best example of this is the increased use of Body Armor by thugs. Looking at history, one could expect your “higher…
News Flash Obama: Bayonets are still Relevant!
With the latest back and forth banter by the two Presidents in last night’s debate, I could not help myself from commenting and posting an article over a comment Obama made about our Military’s “changing nature”. With our recent emphasis on Combatives and Battlefield Improvisation, I was pleased to read this article: Clearly Mr….
Working with What you Got…….
The broad strokes of this article was brought to my attention by a friend of mine, and with the recent post on Combatives, I thought it pertinent to add to the collection. I also wanted to use it to raise awareness, which is, as I have always said, the real reason for this blog. OK,…
Thinking “Combatively” Part I: Get Your Mind Right!
As of late, there has been alot of argument and conversation about small, pocket pistols and revolvers for self-defense. People have ranted that either they will work or they won’t in a street fight..I have to laugh because I think folks (like always) are missing the point. This article is not meant to persuade you…
P-64 Range Report and Final Opinions
Well, I finally got by Academy and picked up a few boxes of Monarch 9×18 94gr FMJ, steel cased. at $10 a box for 50…it actually felt good buying ammo for once instead of getting depressed and feeling like you just got taken advantage of!! I was going to wait and see how my gun…
The Best Little P-64 in Texas
Well, since I wrote the “Cruffling: Do it While you Can” Article, this little beauty arrived at my front door from the big brown truck of joy. She is officially my first C&R Pistol since I got my license. (She is pictured above with my Benchmade CBK Push Dagger…I thought it might look cool with…
Find the Thief!!!
Ok guys, here is a little exercise in situantional awareness…watch the below vid and see if you can spot the guy stealing the wallet. First one of you to comment on the minute and second (0:00) the EVENT happens, you get a prize. Later this week, we will discuss the methods of pickpockets in more…