Well, most all CO’s know that True Constitutional Government died a horrible, painful death in this country over 150 years ago, never to be seen again, but is True Constitutional Justice also dead? The kind of Justice that is truly blind to every bias, including the color of our skin or the ethnicity of…
Black on White Racial Violence: The New Normal?
[youtube=http://youtu.be/cQ0OpjrNg7g] The CO must be ready to defend himself against any threat, no matter where or who it comes from, foreign or domestic, black, white, yellow or orange. This new trend of “Black on White Racial Violence” is getting to be a national epidemic, and if I were a betting man, I would wager most…
Outfitting your GO-RIG’s
All of us CO’s worth our salt have our “BUG-OUT” or “GO-BAGS” packed and ready to roll at this very minute, but how many of us have our “GO-RIGS” ready? A “GO-RIG” is another name for your fighting rig. This is the rig you transport mags & ammo for your Main Fighting Rifle and Sidearm….
China’s “Three Warfares”
Taken from American Thinker.Com, this “Day-late-and-a-Dollar-Short” Pentagon Study shows that China is again re-shaping the 4th Gen Warfare model. While some in the Pentagon may think these strategies are still in the early “planning stages”, consider the recent high number of deaths and “suicides” in the global finance sector and qualify that with China’s “Financial…
Trespasser 101
For those lucky readers of mine that reside in the great State of Texas, I wanted to provide you an easy to reference guide on what the law states how you can handle trespassers on your property. Firstly, lets define Criminal Trespass as it is written in the Texas Penal Code 30.05: CRIMINAL TRESPASS. (a)…
Balancing Safety and Realism in Civilian Firearms Training
[youtube=http://youtu.be/rI01qKAqYts] The following video was sent to be by a good friend who routinely trains with a former Spetsnaz member. At first glance, most people’s reactions are the same “This is CRAZY!!” but not until the end where Larry “arfcom” Vickers explains these are extremely advanced RUSSIAN FSB MILITARY Courses of Fire, meant for advanced SF MILITARY OPERATORS do things…
Bad Medicine: Healthcare and Guns
Well, it is offically getting Orwellian around here now. The obama administration is seeking senatorial confirmation on their Surgeon General pick, Vivek Murthy, a rabid anti-gun supporter and activist. He states very plainly that gun ownership is a “healthcare issue” and supports the notion of combining gun control and medicine? Factor that in with the debacle of…
What do Goat Rodeo’s and Knife Attacks have in Common?
[youtube=http://youtu.be/JlyUQHQhz0s] In a word: CHAOS There is nothing (at least to me) that is more primordial, barbaric and just plain ass puckering scary than an attacker coming at me, swinging a knife intent on my imminent demise like in the above vid. Luckily, for the shop-keeper it ended well, the knife attacker (probably under the…
Another Cautionary Tale about Character……
I have often reiterated on this blog how Good Character is just as important as Good Training for the survival of the CO in this immoral and violent society. I say this only because it is the past and present character of the CO that will be brought into question and examined intimately, more so than…
Beating The “Knockout Game”
As society continues to crumble and random violence begins to be the norm, the CO must up his game in being prepared to meet that threat head-on. The most recent brand of this random type of street violence is the “Knockout” Game”. A “Game” which to date has killed 7 people. [youtube=http://youtu.be/2U-Z1fZ9F3s] I do not intend…