I have often reiterated on this blog how Good Character is just as important as Good Training for the survival of the CO in this immoral and violent society. I say this only because it is the past and present character of the CO that will be brought into question and examined intimately, more so than…
Beating The “Knockout Game”
As society continues to crumble and random violence begins to be the norm, the CO must up his game in being prepared to meet that threat head-on. The most recent brand of this random type of street violence is the “Knockout” Game”. A “Game” which to date has killed 7 people. [youtube=http://youtu.be/2U-Z1fZ9F3s] I do not intend…
What makes Ordinary Men Extraordinary?
My personal definition: “The willingness to ACT in a situation in which you have imperfect information to save and/or defend lives”. Nothing exemplifies this statement better than two men who helped rescue 3 children from a minivan that had been driven into the ocean by a disturbed mother intent on killing all of them, including…
Field Report: Dustin Ellerman’s Youth Marksmanship Camp
Not far from where I hang my hat, nestled in the Piney Woods of East Texas is Camp His Way, run by Season 3 Top Shot Champion Marksman Dustin Ellerman. When Dustin is not busy with shooting exhibitions or running his Summer Youth Camp, he also offers weekend Adult and Youth Marksmanship Camps. Me and…
The “Gun Safety & Kids” Propaganda Continues…….
While Putin is drawing everybody’s attention with his shenanigans in the Ukraine, the Liberal Powers that be are continuing their very persistent, yet baseless, anti-gun campaign by drawing attention to the actions of people (more specifically parents) who choose to have guns around children are “unsafe” and “dangerous”. These idiots are now even taking…
This “Smart Pistol” is awfully Dumb!!!
My dad has a famous saying that I use quite often nowadays “Common Sense is not so common anymore.” That saying applies very much so to this “bass-ackwards” device that is hitting the shelves in (where else) Kalifornia this week, the “Smart Pistol”. Developed and Manufactured by German Arms Company Armatix, which is headed up…
Putting the FIGHT before the TOOL
Certain words in the English vocabulary produce very strong mental pictures when they are used. Take for instance the word “Gunfight”. When we hear it, despite the story that may go along with it, we often imagine two or more people blazing away at each other, bullets whizzing through the air. It could be the…
Prepping and Pets….Decide Now!
You have to decide now if you are willing for your beloved pet (or pet’s) are going to be an asset for protection and food, and maybe even food if things get bad OR are you going to spare them (and you) the emotional pain of that choice and humanely euthanize them at the beginning…
Gun Access vs. Gun Safety
With the recent lib-tard media blitz on gun safety and kids, (with a heavy emphasis on demonizing people who let their kids shoot and handle guns), I thought it relevant to review the often neglected and under-discussed subject that is often the reason for kids getting hurt and/or killed by guns in the home: The…
Field Review: The E3 Solutions “PTK 1.0”
My good friend Mark E., who has contributed some excellent narrative frequently to the blog, has started a new CO business venture: E3 Solutions. His first product, the “PTK” or Personal Pocket Trauma Kit is what I will be reviewing today. Having a viable trauma kit (not first aid/boo-boo kit..we are talking about shit to save…