I remember during my tenure working for Uncle Sam in the Military that it was said, quite frequently and openly, that workplace “SAFETY PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES WERE WRITTEN IN BLOOD” mostly because of inept Government bureaucracy. As a young whippersnapper, I did not quite understand what that meant, until I saw, first hand a man get electrocuted due…
What the CO can Learn from the Eric Frien Manhunt
I started watching the story about Eric Frein with only casual interest at first, because I thought, this being a civilian cop killer, they would find him in no time and it would most likely end in a one-sided shootout with Frein in a bodybag and SWAT cops giving high fives. It has been over…
Another Incident to Fan the Racial Fires…..
[youtube=http://youtu.be/S9FtNOV6Qhk] Well, the head of the snake has fallen off, but the broken machine just keeps running…You would think since Eric Holder is announcing his long overdue resignation that the once so eager-beaver U.S. Justice Department who seems to insist (despite a Grand Jury finding no evidence of wrong doing) on filing racial hate crime…
Stopping a Dog Attack
Dog Attacks are so common now that it is hard to keep up. The worst attacks are always on children obviously, since vicious dogs always see children as the easier prey. The easy solution to an attacking, vicious animal has always been to put it down with hollow point “maul stoppers”.. but as the CO…
Skimming Awareness v2.0
Two years ago, my technical staff wrote a very informative article about CREDIT CARD SKIMMING. Between that time and now, the scam of skimming has exploded, contributing to the crimes of both identity theft and credit card fraud growing to epidemic proportions. The biggest reason for this explosion has been skimmers simply being more brazen, and…
“The Lazy and Stupid Parent”: Yeah there is an App for that!
Awareness (noun): Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Let’s face it. Being AWARE can help the CO more than any other skill-set, AVOID, DETER or DE-ESCALATE most bad situations before they get out of hand. Very often CO’s forget that just like any other skill-set in their toolbox, Awareness is perishable and if…
How to Hunt ISIS…..
Ah…Dirka Dirka Jihad!! [youtube=http://youtu.be/JOaiP7ZbfbI] (BTW..I am not affiliated with these guys, nor do I support or advocate their website, I just thought this video was funny!) Stay Armed, Stay Alert, Stay Dangerous, but Don’t Forget to Laugh Along the Way…Life is too Short!!
For Those Who Still Ignore Black MOB on White Violence:
It just does not stop: On thursday afternoon, I received seven emails in seven minutes, detailing dozens of cases of recent black mob violence all around the country. Many on video.Let’s take a tour of seven minutes in September, starting i….
Beware, Australia was the trial run…….
http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/09/18/australia-terror-raid-prompted-by-isis-plans-for-public-killing-pm-says/ If we have learned anything from terrorism in the 21st century it is that it is probing and adaptive. I personally think, if not foiled, this plan would have had moderate success for these idiots, only because, Australia, as a whole, especially in the larger cities, is considered a “restrictive” country when it comes to…
Terror at the Mall: Why Civilian Operators Matter
I just finished watching the HBO documentary “Terror at the Mall” about the Nairobi Kenya Westgate Mall Attack last year by Al-Shabaab Terrorist that left 67 dead and 155 wounded. Almost all of the documentary is CCTV footage from that day narrated by the actual survivors. There is also some awesome LIVE video and photographs…