Pay very close attention at :16: this is the proper response when any thug attempts to rob or murder you: MULTIPLE SHOTS FIRED INTO UPPER TORSO. Yeah, the Thug Dies at the End. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
The War on Ammo Continues
The Libs are in full court press mode now with their anti-gun agenda seeing how their golden boy will be leaving the white house soon. With their latest joint venture with the ATF (listing 5.56 ammo as armor-piercing) failing, they have again set their sights on ammunition restrictions in making all ONLINE ammunition sales illegal…
Gross Motor Skills & Weapon Manipulation
We have discussed at length on this blog the reason why Gross Motor Skills (GMS) regardless of what tool is involved, are so important in a fight. Whether you are using empty hand, stick or knife, Gross motor movements work hand-in-hand with using the larger, more dense muscle groups to generate more powerful strikes, jabs,…
Biker Shootout in Waco
Full Story: Posted: May 17, 2015 2:47 PM CDT WACO — Police say the scene is still active after nine people were killed and multiple others were injured after a shooting at Twin Peaks on Sunday. Shortly after 12:00 p.m., Waco Police were at Twin Peaks monitoring at least two motorcycle clubs gathering…
It Pays to Stay Alert and Armed….
When I saw this story, it reminded me why I always tell all you guys to ALWAYS STAY ALERT AND STAY ARMED!
Creepy Home Invasion with Happy Ending
This happened in South Africa a few days ago. On this particular night, the man and woman were sleeping in different parts of the house, one upstairs and one downstairs. This was such a bad crime area, both of them slept ARMED. When you examine the entire video, I think the fact that the couple…
Awareness and Aggression Rule the Day!
As you watch this video there are a dozen things in hindsight we could cover, but there are just 3 things I want to talk about in this one. First: If you are walking home from school or wherever and you become aware somebody is following or stalking you, your first instinct may be to…
The Garland Attack: Re-Evaluating the CO’s Training Focus
The CO must constantly re-evaluate his training to see that it is RELEVANT and REALISTIC to the current threat. Right now, the most pressing CURRENT threat to the Civilian Operator is without a doubt, MULTIPLE ACTIVE SHOOTERS as was seen in Garland, TX this past Sunday. First of all, before I get too deep into this subject,…
“FIGHT” not “GUN” is the Key Word in “GUNFIGHT”
“If you can’t stop the average dude from raping you in the shower, the last thing you need is a Carbine Class.” (Southnarc) In Civilian self-defense training courses you often have certain trainers that require a “pre-requisite or “pre-req”” of certain courses before you take a certain class. For example, before you take an ADVANCED…
Addressing and Breaking the “AK Stigma”
I have been shooting and training with AK-47’s and their variants for over fifteen years now. I have seen the platform both grow in civilian popularity and slowly but surely nudge it’s way into the very tight U.S. firearms accessories market that was solely dominated by the AR-15 for two decades. In the old…