When I first read this article I thought about something Michael Collins, founder of the IRA had said in talking about Irish Independence: “Refusal is our most powerful Weapon.” I think all Patriots would do good in remembering that in the Years to come. By Pat Buchanan Militia Members at Bundy Ranch stop for Prayer…
Have we become a Country of Cowards?
“A Coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant only taste of death but once.” William Shakespeare from Julius Caesar It is articles like this one from the Federalist that remind me why I don’t watch the news on T.V. anymore. I would much rather go online and pick and choose what…
Mandating Insecurity?
The America Citizens Right of the Expectation of Privacy. It is a touchy subject, no doubt. Ever since the Edward Snowden revelations that big brother was in fact, watching, Americans have realized that everything they do online (pretty much) can be monitored, recorded, analyzed and filed for future use. It was no surprise then…
Boko Haram: The Real African Plague
Vice News published this 29 minute documentary of the terror group Boko Haram and the nation of Chad’s attempt to Stop Them. It’s Worth your time if you are at all concerned with stopping Islam from taking over the entire continent of Africa and then Europe soon after.
The U.S. and the Hague Convention Ban on Hollow Point Ammo: Where do We Stand Exactly?
With the recent news of the Military switching to Hollow Point Ammunition for Sidearms, some questions have risen on how this is legally possible since it has always been thought by the General Public that the Hague Convention of 1899 banned Hollow Point (or Expanding ammunition) for use in warfare. Well, after some digging…
“Glitches” sounds better than “Hacked”, wouldn’t you agree?
With all the talk of “Internal Technical Issues”, by the NYSE, the fact remains that the day before the Stock Market crashes for 3 hours and all United Airline flights were grounded, this post on twitter by “Anonymous.” Now I am not a IT geek or Cyber-Gandolf by any stretch, but like Jimmy the Greek,…
A Green Beret’s Introduction to Trauma Medicine
by Jeremiah Johnson Hello there, Ready Nutrition Readers, fasten your seat belts and prepare to vault into Trauma First-Aid Medicine, Warp Factor 1! In this introduction we are going to go over some medical basics: some courses you may wish to take and a brief introduction to a primary survey. In part 2…
US Military Transitions to HP Ammo for Sidearms
Original Article on Bearing Arms U.S. Military Makes Monumental Shift To Hollowpoint Pistol Ammunition Posted by Bob Owens In a significant doctrinal shift, the U.S. military is relegating full metal jacketed (FMJ) pistol bullets to a training role, and will be adopting modern hollowpoint designs similar to those used by most domestic law…
Amazon Spying on Reviewers? No!!
Amazon Is Analyzing the Personal Relationships of Its Reviewers This is an interesting story of a reviewer who had her reviewer deleted because Amazon believed she knew the author personally. Leaving completely aside the ethics of friends reviewing friends’ books, what is Amazon doing conducting this kind of investigative surveillance? Do reviewers know that Amazon…