Tuesday September 15th was the 75th anniversary of Battle of Britain Day – the high point in an epic five-month campaign that ripped apart the skies above England during the early stages of World War II. With Hitler noscope teabagging all of Europe in 1939 and 1940 and celebrating like he’d just blindsided a QB and was busting out the most epic sack dance ever, the bloodied-but-not-defeated pilots and ground crews of Great Britain’s Royal Air Force were all that stood between civilization as we know it and one of those fucked-up dystopian Young Adult fictional Hunger Games dystopia. If the outnumbered fighter pilots of the RAF couldn’t pry air superiority from the cold, dead hands of Fascism, then there would be nothing the UK to do to prevent Hitler from sailing across the Channel on an inner tube and sticking his dick in the mashed potatoes at Buckingham Palace.
There are countless tales of brave, heroic pilots the UK sent forth to do battle with Nazis at 348 miles per hour, upside-down, at 10,000 feet above the earth, but none have been more enduring, more celebrated, or more fucking completely gonzo insane in the membrane than the story of Flight Commander Douglas Bader – the badass, pipe-smoking, cool-as-hell humanitarian/gunslinger who found a way to repeatedly kick the crap out of the Germans even though he didn’t have the lower half of his legs.
Anyway, here’s a fucking Battle of Britain Iron Maiden video that’s going to pump you up so hard you either pop a boner or hit someone in the face with a shovel, or possibly do both at the same time.
Read the Remainder at Bad-Ass of the Week
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