This is an awesome story and a worthwhile cause, please donate a couple bucks to it and let’s all help this story get told worldwide! -SF Marine Raiders Film at Indiegogo Kat Croft befriended a Marine Raider. After his death, she was witness to the way his brothers in arms welcomed him home from…
Time for Hospital Staff to Be Armed
The controversy surrounding firearms being allowed in hospitals rages on. Those who believe that guns shouldn’t be allowed in a hospital, or anywhere else for that matter, continue to point to incidents in which the use of a weapon is controversial. As Elizabeth Rosenthal points out in her recent article When the Hospital Fires the Bullet most hospitals are…
Second Marine Attacked and Left for Dead in D.C.
OK, This is starting to really piss me off. Two Marines attacked in the same night! The Reaper needs to visit this neighberhood and take out some trash, most pronto. -SF WASHINGTON — Not one but two Marines were brutally attacked on February 12 in two unrelated incidents. One attack happened at a McDonald’s when two…
Historical Fiction Book of the Month Suggestion: Halestorm by Becky Akers
Author Becky Akers has long lived in the eighteenth century—or at least she wishes she had. Now readers can join the excitement via her debut novel, Halestorm. They’ll meet such icons as General George Washington, who must learn the British Army’s plans for quashing the rebellion or perish with his troops; Sir William Howe, the…
The Bad-Ass Files: Spc. Joe Gibson, US Army Ranger
Special Episode: “The Suicide Bomber Beat Down” When Spc. Joe Gibson found himself face to face with an al Qaeda suicide bomber in Iraq, he didn’t back down. On the night of April 26, 2008, UH-60 Black Hawks delivered U.S. Army Rangers to a grassy field in rural Iraq. As the soldiers took up their…
Profiles in Courage: The WW2 Draft Dodger Who Turned War Hero
This is one amazing story and one of the reasons I absolutely Love Military History, specifically, WW2 History! -SF Years ago, when I first came home, I decided it would be a good thing for me to write a book. My first project, still unfinished, and now my 3rd project had the working…
Fast and Furious Court Victory for Judicial Watch
This is an important story about Judicial Watch’s (JW) complicated and complex investigation into the Obama administration’s deadly Operation Fast and Furious scandal. And this is one story that should be shared far and wide. Earlier last week your JW was pleased to announce that we scored a victory in the United States Court of…
Crusader Corner: How Gitmo is Used in Jihadist Propaganda (Hint: It’s Less than Obama Suggest)
In his last year in office, President Obama has submitted to Congress a plan to achieve what he had promised to do in his first: Close the facility housing terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In the interim, Obama and a series of other officials, including former CIA Director David Petraeus, have called the prison a propaganda tool for terrorists….
Immigration Crisis Update: The Sneaky Way the Obama Administration Is Making It Look Like Fewer Illegal Immigrants Are Skipping Court Dates
Four out of 10 illegal immigrants never show up for their court hearings. That’s according to Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council (which represents border patrol agents). Judd testified that illegal immigrants show up to their required court hearings only 60 percent of the time after being issued a “notice to appear” at…
Palestinian Terrorist Want to Personally Thank Obama and Kerry for the Billions in Iranian Sanction Money
Israel: Further proof of Iran’s deep support for anti-Israeli terrorism Iran pledges thousands of dollars for Palestinian terrorists Tehran, flush with cash from sanctions relief, will give slain attackers’ families $7,000, envoy says, and $30,000 to terrorists’ families whose homes Israel demolishes Iran will pay thousands of dollars to families of Palestinian terrorists killed while…