The arsenal included larger tanks, more powerful artillery, faster fighter planes and new bombers.” AMERICA’S ANTICIPATED INVASION of Japan ultimately proved unnecessary – the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki made sure of that. Yet all throughout 1944 and 1945, Allied commanders were drawing up plans for the final assault on the enemy home islands. The campaign,…
Military History: 4 Exotic Weapons in Ancient Warfare that were Ahead of Their Time
When most think of ancient warfare, nothing more sophisticated than spears, bows, and maybe catapults come to mind. But like in modern warfare, few things breed ingenuity more than the need to outgun the enemy. Here are some of the more elaborate examples: 1. Claw of Archimedes Archimedes, the famed Greek mathematician and inventor, developed a…
Cartel Corner #58: The Next Generation of Narco’s
There was a time, the story goes, when if a local collided with a drug trafficker’s car on the streets of Culiacán — a bastion of the infamous Sinaloa cartel — the narco was likely to hop out to check that everything was ok. “They’d say: ‘If you have any problems call this doctor and…
The Espionage Files: The “Spider” James Jesus Angleton
Long before Game of Thrones dubbed its spymaster The Spider, James Jesus Angleton earned that name. His internal witch hunts still leave us wondering—madman, genius, or both? “Mr. Dickey? This is Jim Angleton.” I looked at the phone. I wasn’t sure what to say. This was 1978. I was a 26-year-old reporter on the Metro…
Military History: “Removal of a Tenth”, a Bloody History of Decimation
“The practice of decimation didn’t die with the Roman Empire. Military commanders throughout history have revived the tradition from time to time as a means of punishment.” BY ALL ACCOUNTS, Luigi Cadorna was an artless and pig-headed military commander. Of all the traditions from ancient Rome field marshal Luigi Cadorna could have chosen to revive…
Crusader Corner: Germany Admits it has LOST TRACK of over 130K “Asylum Seekers”
Well, how many of you want to lay a bet that these lost “Asylum Seekers” are at this very moment either in some hidden terror training camp learning how to make a bomb or in some dark hole planning the next 9/11? Sound Familiar? It Should, it happened after the Paris attacks..How many of those…
Profiles in Courage: Leon Cooper
I first heard about Leon Cooper when a good friend of mine who does work for the American Legion told me to watch a documentary on Netflix called Return to the Philippines: The Leon Cooper Story. After watching it, I immediately did a blog post on it, you can read that HERE. Leon Cooper…
Immigration or an iPhone
The public argument between Apple and the FBI over cracking the encryption on an iPhone used by the San Bernardino Muslim terrorists is one of those ongoing civil liberties debates that negotiate the terms on which we are asked to sacrifice our civil liberties for the sake of Muslim immigration. We have already made a…
Real Training = Painful, Dangerous and Uncomfortable
By John Farnam This from a friend in Europe who just finished a week-long Pistol/Rifle Course in the high country. Good information: “I used a Colt AR (equipped with Aimpoint M4), and a G19. Orders were: low profile, no ‘camo,’ clothing, nor equipment. No chest rigs. Much concern here about ‘para-military’ training! We were located…
World War Two History: Remembering Stalin as well as Hitler
When I’ve finished occupying the Soviet Union,” quipped a relaxed Adolf Hitler at dinner one night in 1941, “I’ll put that man Stalin back in charge. He’s the only person who knows how to deal with Russians.” Stalin was the biggest murderer of modern history – and maybe in of all mankind’s past. His number…