Watch former Special Forces operator Jeff Kirkham skilfully remove sutures from the face of MMA’s Josh Tyler. Sometimes being a man means getting punched or kicked in the face. If you find this keeps happening, you can either reevaluate your life choices, or learn how to cut your recovery time short like a boss. If…
Humor: VA Celebrates Brain Injury Awareness Month by Forgetting to Celebrate Brain Injury Awareness Month
🙂 🙂 🙂 WASHINGTON, D.C. — With March designated as Brain Injury Awareness Month, the Veterans Administration held a press conference today to announce several health care initiatives aiming to increase awareness of something to do with veterans. “To be perfectly honest, I can’t remember what this press conference was supposed to be about,” said VA…
Smile, You are on Mass Surveillance! This Billboard Sees You Too!
Pass a billboard while driving in the next few months, and there is a good chance the company that owns it will know you were there and what you did afterward. Clear Channel Outdoor Americas, which has tens of thousands of billboards across the United States, will announce on Monday that it has partnered with…
The Bad-Ass Files: China’s Elite Female Bodyguards
Would not want to run into one of these hardcore Females. Ouch. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Speak Into the Microphone: Devices on Public Buses in Maryland Listening in on Public Conversations
The Maryland Senate on Tuesday delayed action on a bill that would clamp down on when public buses and trains can record the private conversations of their passengers. Sen. Robert A. Zirkin (D-Baltimore County), chair of the Senate Judicial Proceedings, which unanimously voted for the measure to move to the Senate floor, said he wanted…
Technology Update: Feds Don’t Need Apple to Get Into Your iPhone
IT’S A SHOWDOWN that has the country mesmerized. In court battles brewing across the nation, the FBI is trying to force Apple to help it extract data from iPhones seized in more than a dozen cases. The government is so intent on forcing Apple’s hand that in each case the Justice Department has invoked the…
World War Two History: Did Nazi Research Actually Contribute Anything Valuable To Medical Science?
It goes without saying that Nazi research into medical science was brutal and inhumane, but did they also discover anything useful or beneficial? Some life meant very little to the Nazis, who herded millions of people out of their homes and into indefinite detention, heavy labor, and a gruesome waiting game until death. Nazi Germany…
Espionage Files: Israel’s Intel Wars
On January 12, the spokesman of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) announced the resignation of Brig. Gen. Eli Ben-Meiras head of the Research Division due to differences of opinion with the chief of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate, Maj. Gen. Herzi Halevi. According to several prominent Israeli media channels, the dispute revolved around disagreement on…
Crusader Corner: How ISIS Gets it’s Bombs
Nearby farming and mining mean easy access to explosive components Islamic State builds its improvised explosive devices using components from 51 different companies in 20 countries. That’s the startling conclusion of a new report from Conflict Armament Research. “These findings support growing international awareness that [Islamic State] forces in Iraq and Syria are very…
History of Weapons: The Hill H15 Sub-Machine Gun was Ahead of it’s Time
Today’s FN P90 drew inspiration from John Hill’s obscure weapon Developed by engineer and inventor John Hill, the Hill H15 submachine gun was decades ahead of its time. The H15 inspired the successful FN P90 but the Hill gun itself faded into obscurity. Hill began developing the idea for his futuristic-looking gun in the…