For all you Social Media addicts out there, pay serious heed.-SF What illness has overtaken the people who run Twitter — and Facebook? What illness has overtaken mainstream media reporters and so much of the Western intelligentsia? Why are they so willing to abet evil? “Hackers Say Twitter Isn’t Telling the Whole Story About…
Crusader Corner: Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis Worsens
Sexual violence in Germany has skyrocketed since Angela Merkel allowed more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East into the country. The crimes are being downplayed by the authorities, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments. “The moment they [male migrants] see a young woman wearing a skirt or any…
Dose of Truth
“Opportunity?” by John Farnam Land of “Opportunity” … to filch off of your follow citizens! Recently, in CO, a local screwball/loser became involved in a lethal confrontation with sheriff’s deputies during an eviction proceeding. As a result, one deputy was murdered, one seriously injured, and one slightly injured. Suspect was DRT. Details are still…
How to Make The Best Beef Jerky
The following method is for those folks who do not have a Dehydrator. I highly suggest if you are serious about Prepping or just want to make some kick ass jerky, go out and buy yourself a quality, high yield dehydrator. They are not that expensive and I can guarantee you after your first batch…
Brush-Up on Your History: America’s Secret War Plan to Invade Canada
The end of a war only rarely settles the central questions that started the conflict. Indeed, many wars do not “end” in the traditional sense. World War II, for example, stretched on for years in parts of Eastern Europe and the Asia-Pacific. Even as the guns fell silent along the Western Front in 1918, the…
World War II History: Legacies, Short Audio Clips of the Second World War
Recently a close friend told me about this website Audioburst that features short audio clips of Veterans recounting memories of their experiences in World War Two. I urge you to visit this website and take some time listening to some of these stories. They are all very short, most of them under 2 or 3 minutes,…
Cartel Corner #61: El Salvador’s Murder Rate Getting Worse
El Salvador has not experienced such a bloody start to the year since the small Central American country was submerged in a brutal civil war that ended a generation ago. The first two months of 2016 ended with 1,399 murders, more than double the number for the same period in 2015 when homicide rates had already…
Military History: The U.S. Navy’s “Douche” Boat Washed Away Viet-Cong Bunkers
In the early morning hours of June 10, 1969, U.S. Navy vessels sailed down a stretch of the Vam Co Dong River in South Vietnam. The force included a special weapon sailors called a “douche boat,” which could literally wash away Viet Cong fortifications. “My assigned mission was to search out and destroy … bunkers,…
I Stand With Israel: Hamas has Replenished it’s Rocket Arsenals
Gaza’s terrorist rulers have as many rockets as before 2014 war, but they are of lower quality; 40,000 Gazans said involved in ‘military wing’ Roughly a year and a half after the end of Operation Protective Edge, Israeli officials believe that Hamas has replenished its rocket supply, reaching the number of rockets that it had…