The honeypot might be the most glamorized espionage technique in fiction. It’s a tale of hushed phone calls and late-night rendezvous, of secrets whispered through lying lips. But femme fatales and lovers’ plots are not exclusive to fiction. Although the honeypot isn’t used as often as other spy techniques, it still has a place in…
Gear Review: Russian Roulette’s New “Shooter” Swag
The Good folks over at Russian Roulette Clothing have some new T-Shirt Prints they wanted me to show you guys. This one represents the venerable, tried and true 5.45×39 round that is used in the AK-74 Rifle. The 5.45 is a fantastic round, often called the “Russian .223”. The 7N6 is a manufacturing stamp and is…
Time for a Remedial History Lesson for Political Candidates
Although I am all about National Security, “Make America Great” needs to start and end with this issue, which if I am not mistaken, has not been mentioned once on the campaign trail. Come to think of it, I have not heard very much about America’s dire fiscal debt situation by any of the candidates,…
Chevy Chase Lays Out The Truth about SNL and Liberal Propaganda
Look, funny or not, it is no big secret that Saturday Night Live has been a bastion of Democratic Lib-Tard Propaganda since the 70’s… But it is nice to have one of the founding members of the SNL comedy team, Chevy Chase, admit that SNL openly seeks to politically influence people in very clear and…
“Predictive Policing”: The Cyber Version of “Stop and Frisk”
Thanks America! How China’s Newest Software Could Track, Predict, and Crush Dissent Armed with data from spying on its citizens, Beijing could turn ‘predictive policing’ into an AI tool of repression. What if the Communist Party could have predicted Tiananmen Square? The Chinese government is deploying a new tool to keep the population from uprising. Beijing is building…
Military Weapons from the Past: The ‘Hotchkiss Type Universal’ was a TINY Submachine Gun
The odd-looking Hotchkiss Type Universal represented an extraordinary attempt at creating an extremely compact submachine gun. The need was obvious. In World War II, soldiers found themselves getting in and out of vehicles, jumping from planes and fighting in close quarters. They needed a weapon that wouldn’t get in the way. Submachine guns had become…
Gear Review: Spec-Ops Brand Field Shoulder Holster
Recently my Fellow Texans over at Spec-Ops Brand sent over their Field Shoulder Holster for me to Review. This is the kind of holster you would wear hunting, hiking or just roaming around in the back 40. Shoulder Holsters are great when you want to carry your sidearm but you want to keep your…
Without Warning!
Without Warning! by John Farnam Personal Preparedness in our Exciting age: “Now remember, when things look bad, and it looks as if you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. Because, when you lose your head, and you give up, then you ain’t gonna win, and your ain’t…
Stand With Israel: Iran Test Fires Missiles with Phrase “Israel Must Be Wiped Out” On Them
What a shocker. Iran is acting like they are not going to honor the agreement no-bama and Kerry made such a big deal over. Meanwhile Biden has said America “will act” if they don’t. Oh wow Joe I bet Iran is quaking in their boots, whatta are you going to do,’ Tweet’ them to death?…
101st Airborne Assumes Command in Iraq
After casing its colors two weeks ago at Fort Campbell to mark its deployment to Iraq, the 101st Airborne Division has officially assumed command of forces in the country. In a transfer-of-authority ceremony Tuesday in Baghdad, the 82nd Airborne Division relinquished command to Maj. Gen. Gary Volesky, commanding general of the 101st, and the rest…